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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kutztown chapter.

Mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety are common among college students. Unfortunately, there is still a stigma attached. To someone who’s never struggled with mental illness, a sufferer might seem lazy. This is especially problematic when it comes to a sufferer’s ability to complete schoolwork. Depression makes it feel as though the work is impossible to begin. Anxiety makes one feel overwhelmed for not having started the work. It is an endless cycle that many people struggle with day to day.

Mental illnesses makes it difficult to function, which can become a hindrance to a student’s academic performance. Mental Illnesses should be a legitimate excuse accepted by schools. Depression and anxiety are just as real as any physical illness. The reason so many people are unwilling to take those illnesses as seriously is because they aren’t invisible to the eyes. It’s manifestation often looks like a student’s lack of interest, but it is not that simple. A person with depression or anxiety could desperately wish to complete the work expected of them, but mentally be incapable of doing so.

According to a report by Active Minds, one third of all college students have felt so depressed, they struggled to function properly. Mental health is just as important as physical health as it is what is necessary for the person to feel like themselves. If one of those two suffers, so does the person’s work ethic. A misconception is that mental illness signifies weakness. However, struggling with depression and anxiety does not make someone weak. In fact, it makes them stronger for having the will to function despite every fiber of their being demanding that they do the opposite. It must also be bared in mind that some people are not fortunate enough to receive treatment for their suffering. There is counseling available on campus though, luckily. But people in need of medication cannot always afford such. That is why it is imperative that professors be understanding of a student’s struggle. For some students, going without treatment makes it so that they cannot handle a campus setting. Colleges should make it so that no matter a student’s struggle they are just as likely to succeed.

Source: http://www.activeminds.org/issues-a-resources/the-issue

Aspiring Journalist | Self-Published Author