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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kutztown chapter.

I first found Markiplier by watching one of his scary gaming videos. I normally hate watching and playing anything that is very scary, but I was interested by the thumbnail. The video was Granny Chapter 2 Full Game. I had seen other people play the original “Granny” game and was curious about this second part. This was the beginning of a subscription!

While I did jump out of fear at watching the game, I was also laughing. Thus, I began to scroll through his channel and found his “Scary Games” series. I went all the way down to the first video and watched them all. Of the types of videos he creates, they are one of my favorites. In each of the “Scary Games” videos, he plays 3 games. Some are demos and don’t last long, while others are fully done. Either way, I was scared by some of them. However, Markiplier’s humor is what got me to continue watching. He is straight-forward with his opinion and curses a bit during gameplay. That’s just what makes him funny. 

He is even funny when he plays with his friends, Wade (Lordminion777), Bob (muyskerm), and Sean (jacksepticeye). When these guys get together, I am always laughing. Even if they are playing something as simple as Uno, these guys make it hilarious. They are continuously yelling at each other and making jokes. Most of the time, it is just Wade and Bob playing with Mark. These three made one of my favorite videos to watch called Granny Simulator. It is a game about grandsons trying to hurt their granny. The guys each take turns playing granny and making up a voice for her. Bob’s voice for granny is by far the best sounding. However, Wade’s voice for granny has to be the funniest in terms of adult themes that are used. 

As of recently, my sister (who is also now a fan of Markiplier) and I have been rewatching the same three videos from him. They are all with Bob and Wade and are from the same game. The game is called Human Fall Flat – the link will take you to the first video of them playing. My sister and I find these to be the funniest videos of people playing games ever. The second video is our favorite because of how Mark just wants to give up all the time. I will link it here. I also found the game interesting to the point I bought it on the PS4. It is just as hard to play as it is to watch. 

Overall, if anyone likes gaming channels, I recommend Markiplier. He also does other videos, such as reviews on Sour Patch products. He is also a co-creator of Unus Annus, a random channel that is only around for a year, with his friend Ethan (CrankGameplays). I also recommend checking out this channel before it goes away in 200-some days. 

Kaitlin McElroy

Kutztown '21

I am an English major with two minors (History, and Women's and Gender Studies). I love books, writing, and discovering new things.