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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kutztown chapter.

The coming of the new season offers an opportunity to grow. The weather’s changing, which is the perfect time to reinvent yourself and become who you really want to be! Here is a list of some easy ways to grow into a better you this fall.

Switch up your wardrobe

Purples, browns, blacks, and yellows are now in season. Fashion is extremely versatile and shows your personal style. Go ahead and try different outfits that you were afraid to wear before. Make a statement and wear something that makes you feel good!

Self care

It’s extremely important to take care of your mental and emotional health during this time. A lot of people suffer from seasonal depression, so it’s essential that you take care of yourself and monitor how you feel. Self care is more than just doing face masks and taking baths. Those can’t hurt, but truly caring for yourself is so much better. Weeding out the toxicity in your life, taking time for yourself, and doing positive activities that you love are just a few ways to enhance your self care.


Exercise can help to make you stronger both mentally and physically. Yoga, running, and weight lifting, are all great ways to center your mind and body. Exercising also teaches discipline in addition to the physical benefits. Give it a try, you never know how much you’ll grow!

Hit the books

Since we’re smack dab in the middle of the semester, courses are going to start picking up and getting more difficult. Paying attention to due dates, taking adequate notes, and studying for exams are small ways to boost your academic performance and overall help you grow as a student. Don’t be afraid to ask for tutoring or extra help for courses you may be struggling in. As I said before, the colder weather can trigger seasonal depression and staying on top of your schoolwork can help to eliminate the stress of school.

Sarah Mengel

Kutztown '23

Senior English major with a minor coffee addiction :)
Jena Fowler

Kutztown '21

Music lover, writer, avid Taylor Swift connoisseur