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Finding The Balance — Time Management

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kutztown chapter.

Mental health is very important and should not be taken lightly. It’s just as important as your physical health. Keeping a healthy diet, going to the gym, being able to hang out with friends, and just some alone time can be difficult to juggle. I have created a listicle to help you keep your life a little bit more balanced and some how manage your time better.

1. Don’t wait until the last minute. Procrastination is addictive and can throw you through some real hoops to get assignments done. Try to work on the assignments slowly and not leave an entire project to the last day or even hour. You’ll thank yourself later, and so will your grades. 

2. Make a schedule and stick to it. Following a regiment is key to having a balanced week. Keeping to a reasonable bed time, will make you more efficient at work and you can than enjoy your leisure time even more. 

3. Nourishing your body with healthy and hardy foods is essential to keeping yourself happy and healthy. Making sure that you have a nutritious breakfast everyone morning, packing heathy lunches, and planning dinners ahead of time will make your life that much easier when things get busy. Also always have a snack with you, just in case the going gets rough. 

4. After a long day bed always sounds better then the gym, but getting your body moving and your blood pumping is super important, even if that means you need to drag yourself there. Don’t make your goals so hard they are not achieveable. Instead of setting the bar to go to the gym everyday, cut it down to 4 times a week. This weeking sweat sesh will also encourage you to keep on track with a healthy diet.

5. Fresh air and sunshine will make a difference in how you feel over all. Getting outside and taking a brisk walk, or playing ball with some friends can change how you manage stress and keep that balance in your. Getting the freshair and the vitamin D will really help put things in to perspective. 

There will be times where your life might not permit this type of scheduling. However, practicing these simple behaviors can make stressful times seem more bearable. 

You got this!


My name is Kaylee Spector and I'm a senior at Kutztown University. I have a passion for reading and writing. As a writer for HerCampus I am able to be a part of keeping up with the current affairs of a college woman. I love traveling, eating and talking most of which I will be writing about. I am a Communications major with a minor in writing, pr, and digital media. All of which I find will help me with my content.