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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kutztown chapter.

Confidence is something everyone should feel. It is so important and vital to feel good in your own skin. I want everyone in the world to feel happy and confident with how they look and who they are as an individual.

Self-care is an essential part of this. It’s important to take care of your body with what works for you specifically and do things that make you happy. Loving yourself is imperative in today’s society and in being true to who you are. Confidently being yourself as a human and loving who you are and what you look like is a rebellious act. Aspects of the world try to take down that light, but it is up to you to say ‘no’ and continue to be unapologetically yourself and be content in that state of mind.

Being confident did not happen overnight for me; it took time, but I am so thankful for having it now. I am happy with what I see in the mirror and who I am. My family and generations before me molded me into who I am, and I got what I look like from my family, my mom and my dad. I love to dress how I want, style my hair how I want, and do my makeup how I want, all to accentuate what I already love about me.

I have learned this from growing up into the woman I am now.

I spent years being insecure and unhappy with myself. I wanted to change this and fix that and not have certain features. It is interesting that the same body I now love, I once hated. I started to realize that being insecure in your own skin is an awful way to live, and I tried my hardest to practice self-love.

Today, I am just that: full of love for myself. It is not a negative thing to love yourself. It is not cocky, self absorbed, or arrogant. It is amazing.

I want to spread the message to have confidence, love who you are, and be gentle with yourself. I know my worth and how successful I am, and I want everyone to like who they are as a person and love them self.

Sabrina Stewart

Kutztown '20

Hi! My name is Sabrina and I am a communication major with a focus in media studies with a minor in a public relations and new media/digital communication here at KU! I am the Events Coordinator for the KU chapter this year! I love fashion, NYC, quotes, book characters, ice cream, exploring, and many many other things. I also tend to drink an excessive amount of lattes.