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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kutztown chapter.

College can be an exciting, yet stressful, time for students. It’s our chance to experience the world on our own. We can form new beliefs and opinions. There’s the chance to make new friends and professional connections. You get to join various clubs, volunteer, and sometimes even travel. The show Parks and Recreation is the best representation of the roller coaster that is college. 

This is when you realize it’ll take years to earn that degree.

You’ll try the cafeteria food for the first time.

Sometimes you think the best idea is to work on a project with friends.

Basically this is how you feel the entire semester.

When you sign up to give your presentation first, but then you realize what a grave mistake you just made.

There is always that one paper with a word requirement you have to reach.

When the campus hosts an event that includes a free lunch or dinner:

Sometimes, you need to lay back, watch some Netflix and forget about all the assignments for a little while.

This is what you tell yourself right before you take an exam or give a presentation. 

People might ask why you aren’t social in class. 

You can’t celebrate like this until you receive that diploma.

But, then the next day you realize it’s time to fully become an adult in society.

So, even though you might struggling to get through the semester, it’s alright. It’ll all work out in the end. Enjoy the time you have there. It won’t be long until it’s all over and you are thrown into the real world. Just remember, the Parks and Recreation characters understand everything you are experiencing.