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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kutztown chapter.

Originally posted December 10th, 2018

There are certain times in the year where people seem especially happy and loving, and Christmas is one of those times. Unfortunately for many, the fact that everyone else seems to be exceptionally happy makes their own unhappiness seem even more prominent whether its because they’ve lost a loved one, or they feel alone. For me particularly it seems as if Christmas has lost a lot of its magic as I’ve gotten older. As a child, some of my best memories were of Christmas. My family held  big celebrations on Christmas Eve with so many presents and, best of all, sparkling lights and decorations.

Things have changed since then. You realize your family isn’t as close as they made you believe as a child, no one has any money and, because you’re not a kid anymore, they don’t feel obligated to make an effort. Circumstances may arise where you don’t have the lights and decorations to put you in the spirit. It sucks when the most magical time of the year falls short.

I think retaining the magic of Christmas is so important. It’s easy to feel isolated and alone if you’re not invited to any holiday parties or get any gifts when it seems like everyone else is. Even if you absolutely have to spend the holidays alone, it can still feel just as good as when you were a kid. Invest in a small Christmas tree, lights and decorations. Treat yourself by buying your own gifts, wrapping them and placing them under the tree.  You can also buy stockings even if you don’t have a fireplace.  Hang them up on the wall or the side of a table, and stuff them with candy to munch on over the course of the holidays. You can bake cookies so that your house can have that warm, cozy, sweet smell.

Finally, invite anyone else you know is alone for the holidays and binge-watch Christmas movies all day. Everyone should be able to enjoy the holidays, and I hope you can as well with the help of these tips. .


Cynthia Diaz

Kutztown '20

Cynthia Diaz is currently an English major at Kutztown University.