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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kutztown chapter.

Earlier this week, my friend and I decided that we really wanted to go to Olive Garden. I was craving breadsticks and salad, and she really wanted pasta. I knew that I had been spending a lot of money lately, but I didn’t actually know how bad it was… We got to the restaurant and indulged. It was so good since we had been used to eating dining hall food or other take out from the area. It was nice to switch it up and have something different.

As we were sitting there enjoying ourselves, my phone rings: Mom’s calling. Sometimes I get scared when my mom calls, even when I have done nothing wrong. This time, I had a bad feeling, and boy was I right. I answered and my mom, who tells me repeatedly to stop spending money, informed me that the bank called her to shut down my savings account. Before this happened, I was walking around already saying that I was broke, well now I’m broke AF. She explained to me that federal regulations only allow a certain amount of transfers from a savings account in one month, and I had already known this. What I didn’t know was that I transferred too many times a month, for 3 months in a row.

So now, here I am at Olive Garden about to spend even more money, and I didn’t even tell Mom that part. I keep joking with people about not having an account anymore, but it really isn’t that funny at all. They moved all of my savings to my mom’s account, and now, when I need money in between paychecks, I’ll have to ask her to transfer my own money for me. I feel like I am 15 years old all over again with my mom in charge of my money. It is probably a good thing, and I’ll probably save a lot more this way, but it still feels horrible. Tomorrow is Black Friday, and I kept joking all week about whether or not I had enough time to get a sugar daddy in time to shop.

Well, the answer was no. I’m sad to say that I have a very limited budget this year. I usually spend a lot of money on myself this day every year, and it looks like I will really be searching for the good sales this time around. I have to learn how to manage my money because I definitely don’t want to be broke AF forever.