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Blair Waldorf: Queen of the Upper East Side and Feminism

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kutztown chapter.

As a crazy-obsessed Gossip Girl fan my opinion may be biased, but Blair Waldorf is a kickass feminist.

Now, Queen B was known for her incredible schemes and the extreme measures she went in order to take down anyone who got in her way. While everyone wishes they were Queen B because of her wardrobe, perfect penthouse living arrangement, and of course her epic love with Chuck Bass, everyone should want to be her because she is an inspiration for the feminist community.

For starters, she never once apologized for who she was. Throughout the entire six season television series, Blair knew she was the crazy bitch with an attitude problem on the Upper East Side and was damn proud of it. When outsiders popped through and tried to take over, Blair always made sure they were put in their rightful place.

Blair knew she was more than just a pretty face. As obsessed as we are with her roller coaster of a love story, with the jaw-dropping beauty named Chuck Bass, Blair knew she was something he needed to work for and earn.

Blair was an independent, powerful woman. She worked towards becoming a dominant figure her entire life. Her mother had her own fashion line and was a giant success. Blair grew up to see and experience such a lifestyle and knew she too was capable of being a powerful icon. While she hit many bumps throughout her journey, such as not getting accepted into Yale and having to quit her internship, Blair never gave up. Her strength and determination is truly inspiring.

Blair Waldorf was more than just a fashion icon and a woman who was feared and followed by her minions at Constance. She was a hardworking, strong headed, powerful woman. She valued her education and never allowed any man to control her. Even though she strived to be a princess and was involved in a failed married with a prince, she was still a princess post-divorce. Blair proved to all women that you do not need a prince to be a princess, and that lesson beats any silly fairytale.

Spotted: B showing the world that being a powerful woman is possible as long as you depend on yourself, and don’t wait for destiny to take its course.


Hello, I'm Jesse Coffey. I am a Secondary English Education major and Communication Studies minor. I am a member of the Gamma Gamma chapter of Theta Phi Alpha at Kutztown University. I love reading and writing during my spare time. I have the tendency to binge-watch television shows on Netflix in record breaking times. Napping is a personal hobby of mine. I'm obsessed with my dog Bonnie and take way too many pictures of her considering she's prettier than me.