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Back to School Happiness

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kutztown chapter.

I love College. The moving back into the dorms, seeing all your friends you haven’t seen in months, walking down Main Street, breaking out the new notebooks, and getting back into those college campus vibes: This all brings me so much happiness.

I am very happy to be back at KU for my junior year of college. It is crazy to me how quickly the summer flew by, how quickly the past two years of school have flown by honestly.

I have loved my college experience thus far at Kutztown University.

This semester, for Her Campus, I have gotten the opportunity to take on the role of Events Coordinator for the E-Board. It makes me so excited to see this club grow and be able to really use my voice for the future of Her Campus.

I am so happy to be back into my classes and getting back into the routine of school. I am always so excited to meet my new professors, get the atmosphere down for my new classes, use my new stationary, and figure out my new routine.

I also love all the coffee shops on campus which give me a small daily dose of simple happiness from something as simple as my order for that day. For someone who likes to wander around, KU is the ultimate wandering place for me. I love finding new spots to relax on campus and do my work or just chill out. I love the alone time I have with myself just as much as I love the time I can spend with my friends here.

There are so many things I love about coming back to school and I am so excited for this year I have ahead of me at KU. Bring it on!


Sabrina Stewart

Kutztown '20

Hi! My name is Sabrina and I am a communication major with a focus in media studies with a minor in a public relations and new media/digital communication here at KU! I am the Events Coordinator for the KU chapter this year! I love fashion, NYC, quotes, book characters, ice cream, exploring, and many many other things. I also tend to drink an excessive amount of lattes.