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5 Ways You Can Maintain a Long Distance Friendship

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kutztown chapter.

With the end of the semester, and graduation nearing, it can be difficult to say goodbye to friends you won’t see for a while. As an upcoming graduate, I also worry about staying connected with friends. Friendships require a strong foundation, but distance can make it difficult for some to continue. Here are some tips on how you can maintain these friendships. 

  1. View the distance as an opportunity

A long-distance friendship can be an opportunity to grow. Some time away from friends can allow you to grow as an individual and realize how much you care for them. 

  1. Communicate as much as you need to

Don’t be afraid to reach out first. Sending texts, even if they aren’t frequent, can let your friends know that you care about connecting with them. 

  1. Have faith in your friendship

If your friend hasn’t replied back to your messages, don’t immediately think they don’t care. Understand that distance and life can make it difficult for your friend. Ensure you are communicating when you feel like your friend isn’t putting in the effort. 

  1. Put in the Time When You Can

You don’t have to talk to your friend 24/7 for them to know you care. A quick text or sending something that reminds you of them can show that you miss them. If you go days without talking to them or ignore their messages it can lead to misunderstandings. Make sure you invest your time in friendships you want to keep.

  1. Schedule virtual or in-person dates

Set time aside for meetings. The distance between you and your friend can be an opportunity to travel and meet up. This allows you to see new places while spending quality time with your friend. If you can’t meet in person, then virtual dates are perfect to catch up on what’s new.

Professional Writing Major, Social Media Theory & Strategy and Public Relations Minor with a love for books and music.