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We’re Dating Ourselves Now, Here’s Where to Go

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.

If you’re a hopeless romantic like me, you’re probably filled with fantasies of date nights right out of a rom-com and you’re just waiting for someone to make them a reality. Well, I say wait no further, we’re dating ourselves now. Whether you’re single, in a long distance relationship or your schedule just doesn’t match up with your partner’s, you don’t have to wait for someone else to go on a date. The idea of “treating yourself” doesn’t stop at buying things off your Amazon wish list, you can also take some time to yourself doing something fun. That being said, here are some of my favorite locations for a solo date night. 

1. Pottery making or Ceramic Painting Class

It’s always fun learning a new skill, even if you’re not good at it right away. This could be a fun activity to try alone, but it could also be a great way to connect with other people. If you’re attending a beginners’ class, then everyone is probably starting out at the same skill level. I imagine a pottery or ceramic painting class being a very welcoming and supportive environment, and I’m sure no one would make you feel weird about going alone. Classes like these are great team building exercises, even if no one in the room actually knows each other. A great place to go in Lawrence is locally-owned Sunfire Ceramics. No matter how it goes, you’ll certainly end up with a piece for your home that you can look at and say, “Hey, I made that!” and you’ll remember what an independent woman you are. 

2. Museum

A little less labor-intensive than a pottery class, museums are a great place to unwind and be inspired by the things around you. The Spencer Museum of Art is free, and located right behind the Kansas Memorial Union. Going by yourself will allow you to spend as much time as you wont on your favorite exhibits with no distractions.

3. Movie theater

You can’t wait to see the new movie that just came out, but no one has the time to go with you. Oh well, just take yourself! You don’t need to share your popcorn or your Slurpee with anyone, and you’re guaranteed to not have any interruptions for conversation. It’ll be dark, and everyone will be focused on the movie, so no one will care that you’re there alone. Plus, and I don’t know if it’s just me, but leaving a movie theater with a whole bunch of strangers after having the same shared experience always gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling because I feel like we all have a bond that only those in that theater will have. Sometimes it’s fun to turn to the person next to you on your way out and share some thoughts on the movie, and it’s a fun way to make unexpected friends!

4. Pumpkin Patch

Fall is coming up, and I need to get to the pumpkin patch before all the good decorative gourds are taken! I could spend hours searching through the piles of multi-colored, oddly-shaped pumpkins and gourds until I’ve found the perfect assortment for me. I don’t mind going by myself, and that way no one will judge me for leaving with a wheel-barrow full of oversized fall fruits that I don’t even know the names of.

5. Picnic

No one knows how to make a charcuterie board more perfect for you, than you. So why not indulge yourself with the finger foods you love in the cottage-core setting of your dreams? You can pretend you are a fair maiden, blissfully passing the time while your hopeful suitor is away. Not saying that I’ve done this before but, you know, you could.

Getting comfortable with being alone is one of the best things you can do to improve your self-love. It’s important to know that being with just you is enough. The more time you spend dating yourself, you’ll realize how much you deserve the romantic life you’ve always dreamed of.

Hello! I am currently a student at the University of Kansas majoring in Journalism and studying strategic communications, business and photography. Welcome to my Her Campus page, stay awhile!