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Traveling Tips For Your Spring Break Vaca

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.

1. Dress cute

Look good, feel good. I very much take this phrase to heart. Traveling in the car is different, but when flying, the experience is always elevated with a little style. No makeup is required, but wearing a cute outfit can make you feel so much better when walking around the airport. Not to mention, you may just find someone cute in the airport that catches your eye. The airport tension between two people of the same age is very real.

2. Don’t mess up your sleep schedule

When traveling, it’s common for people to choose to not sleep the night before so they can pass out on the plane or car ride. I have tried this strategy many times; in fact, I tried this strategy last night. The result: I am now struggling to stay awake between my layover and I have a headache from trying to sleep on the plane. Lesson learned. You can never guarantee that you’re going to be able to sleep well on a plane or in a car. If you don’t allow yourself to sleep before your trip, you may just end up tired and frustrated later after finding that the plane or car is not the most comfortable sleeping spot.

3. Spend the money on food that makes you feel good

I say this as I am sitting in the Boston airport eating a Lunchable; however, I do think there is something to be said for feeding yourself good food when traveling. Especially if you’re on a long trip with a long layover, what you put into your body is really going to resonate with you throughout the day. You’re not moving around; you don’t have the ability to shower or freshen up. Even though doing so may cost a few extra dollars, put some fresh food into your body so you feel good throughout the day. Treat yourself to a nice coffee too, of course.

4. Walk around 

If you find yourself at a large airport with some time to spare, take advantage of that time. Walk around and check out the various stores and restaurants the airport has to offer. It’s almost like a mini-trip in and of itself. Additionally, walking around will give you a chance to get on your feet and get your body moving a little bit. 

5. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself

This spring break is the first time I have ever flown on my own—the perfect time for me to fly internationally, don’t you think? I’ve come to this realization: flying is scary and demanding. Especially with all the new COVID procedures, flying can be such a hassle and very confusing. What documents do I need? Do I need to have this one form printed out? Will my suitcase surpass the weight requirement? Traveling is stressful. But here’s the thing: people like to help. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or go up to the desk when you’re confused. It is quite literally some people’s jobs to assist you. And who cares if they judge? As long as you’re getting where you need to go, to hell with the judgmental looks. 

Hi my name is Audrey! I'm majoring in Strategic Communications at KU- so excited for you to take a look at my writing:)