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The “No-Makeup” Makeup Look and Self-Esteem

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.

What is it?

Over the past couple of months, there’s been a recurring beauty/makeup trend on Tiktok and many other social media platforms. This trend, known as the “no-makeup” makeup look, was inspired by various influencers, including Kendall Jenner and other supermodels. 

The look mainly consists of applying minimal makeup to some regions of the face to lift and highlight natural beauty rather than concealing as you would with a full face beat. Techniques like spot-concealing and reverse contouring are highlighted with this specific look. 

For the most part, it’s a very natural, simple yet enhancing makeup look. It’s “clean” and has even been allured to be a take on Parisian “classic minimal” makeup. 

What most Tiktok and beauty influencers fail to acknowledge when making videos about this routine is that what’s needed is a “clean canvas,” a face void of any pimples, scars, acne, etc. Very few times have creators with textured skin actually posted videos of them recreating this look and gathered as many views as their “clean faced” counterparts.

The Potential Consequences

This makeup look could actually have the opposite effect this trend was intended to have. Instead of uplifting a community, it’s now showcasing the problems that a lack of representation in media can bring. 

We like to put the best side of ourselves out there on social media. We don’t like to showcase our flaws for fear that someone will turn them against us and turn to cyberbullying. In doing so, we’re not being genuine and authentic with our audience, and thus, we could be potentially enhancing the problem of “social comparison.” 

When what you see online looks perfect, clean, and polished, what stares back at you in the mirror can start to look like a big disappointment. Thus affecting your self-esteem and sense of self-worth. There’s nothing wrong with having clear, clean skin, but it’s detrimental not only to our own self-esteem but to that of others to not acknowledge that we all get pimples, redness, bloating, etc. 

Your skin is beautiful, no matter what it looks like because it’s yours. 

Sources: Global G.L.O.W. TIKTOK 

Hi, I'm Giuliana, a junior at KU. Double majoring in journalism and psychology. I'm excited to share my stories with you!