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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.

1. Take a road trip.  It doesn’t have to be far, it doesn’t have to be somewhere exciting, it just has to happen.

2. Find your signature lipstick. “Pour yourself a drink, put on some lipstick, and pull yourself together.” Elizabeth Taylor knew what was up.

3. Learn how to make something really well. A drink, a dish, a pair of dangly earrings or even a smoky eye that lasts through summer heat. Find your secret talent and work it.

4. Read a book.  I know, I’m telling you to read over summer. Ew. But really, books are amazing and wonderful and cheap entertainment.

5. Run a 5K. The Bubble Run, The Color Run and The Fro-Yo 5K are all fun options.

6. Do something that scares you. Rock climbing, talking to the boy first or eating a new food are all different levels of scary that are totally doable this summer. Scare yourself a little. It’s good!  Honest!

7. Find a cause you can get behind. We are all capable of making the world a little better, and what better time to start than when you have 10 weeks free?  Find something you love and get behind it this summer. For my LFKers: The Humane Society, Head Start, Lawrence Public Library and the Boys and Girls Club are just a few of the options available to you.

8. Get a tattoo. Temporary or legit, just do it.

9. Make someone dinner. Food is love. Yes, spaghetti counts.

10. Be kind every day. Be kind to someone, just because you can.

Future teacher who loves coffee, cupcakes, dogs, and Instagram. Spends more than she should at Target but can miraculously justify it every single time.