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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.

Valentine’s Day is often dreaded by us single people. Between countless amounts of lovey-dovey posts on social media and a shmorgishborg of PDA, it can feel like you are the only person you know without a significant other. However, it doesn’t have to be this way.


The first step to a successful, single Valentine’s day is not being alone. Get a group of friends, or a sister, or a couple of animals to spend the evening with you. Valentine’s day isn’t only about the person you are in love with; it’s about the people you love. Take this day to spread some love to the people (or pets) you care about most and celebrate it.

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Next, you will need a plan. Even if the plan is to sit on the couch and binge the Twilight movies again, having something to do will make Valentine’s Day without a valentine feel like any other day. Or use February 14th as an excuse to do something fun and entertaining like trying a new restaurant with a friend or treating yourself to a brand new outfit. The key message here is just to plan something you’ll look forward to so you can get excited for V-day too.


Make Valentine’s Day a cheat day. Order that pizza. Buy that box of chocolates for yourself. Eat the whole pint of ice cream. Pour another glass of wine. No one cares! Indulge in all your guilty pleasures to satisfy all parts of you, stomach included.

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The last step to achieving the best Valentine’s Day as a single lady is to ditch your phone for the night. It’s always good to have an excuse for a digital detox. If you have good company and something to do, there shouldn’t be the need for your phone anyway! This way, you can enjoy some you-time without the distraction of seeing whatever everyone else is doing on Valentine’s Day.


At the end of the day, Valentine’s day is just a Hallmark Holiday, made up to get us consumers to spend more dough. There is no reason to resent Valentine’s Day because you’re single. Being single is awesome! Spread love to those around you and make this Valentine’s Day your best one yet.

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Hello! I'm nineteen years old and from a suburb outside Chicago, IL. In my free time, I like to read and write, play with makeup, and spend time with my friends. On the KU campus, I'm majoring in the Strategic Communications side of Journalism with a minor in Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies. I'm also a member of the Gamma Phi Beta sorority. I hope you have as much fun reading my articles as I do writing them :)