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No Time For Gym? Home & Dorm Workouts

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.

Since starting this semester, my day is literally filled with things to do. From the time I wake up until the time I go to sleep, I am always doing something. I’ve been so busy that I even have had to pencil in lunchtime on my planner otherwise it won’t be getting done. Yet as much as I may plan it out so I can get in some gym time, it never really gets done. Things come up or when it is time to actually go, I’m too exhausted from working all day that I stay in instead and rest.

I realized if this is how it’s going to be all semester, I need other options. So I researched and found some workouts that can be done all in the comfort of your home, even your room!

Here are five workouts that I found!

There you have it! Five different workouts that can all be done from the comfort of your home or your dorm. Now you don’t have to worry if you don’t have time for the gym! 

Ashley Ponce-Cardenas is a junior majoring in Business Adminsitration at the University of Kansas.