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The Latest and Greatest Craze: Hammocking

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.

If you’re like me, when someone says the word “hammock” you probably think of a hammock hanging between two palm trees, somewhere on a sandy beach. While that image may hold true in some places, the idea of a hammock, and what one does with it, has been completely revolutionized. In some circles, hanging out on a hammock with friends or by yourself has become the next big thing. The word has even been turned into a verb, making a sentence like, “I was hammocking the other day, when…” completely logical and grammatically correct. (According to some people).

Many of my friends and roommates have jumped on the hammock train, and have almost convinced me to do the same. Here are just a few of the many reasons why you should also try out hammocking if you haven’t done so already:

1. You can hammock virtually anywhere.

Hanging a hammock is no longer limited to in between two palm trees, like I once thought. You could easily hang one somewhere in the woods, in a park, or even on campus. Likewise, my roommates often hang their hammocks on our front porch. I’m sure you could even find a way to hang a hammock indoors if you are creative enough.

source: http://mexicaliblues.files.wordpress.com/2012/08/paaaiaclcihfnobf_photo.jpg

2. It is incredibly easy to set up a hammock.

Before I saw anyone set up a hammock, or attempted to set one up myself, I had always envisioned putting up a hammock to be nearly as difficult as quantum physics. For whatever reason, I assumed some sort of advanced levy system or amazing brute strength was required. I can assure you that, in reality, none of the above is true. You don’t even have to be able to tie some sort of magical, complex sailor’s knot, either.

3. Hammocks are a great place to spend quiet time.

Hammocking is the perfect activity if you want to get away for an hour or two. You could read a book, listen to music, or take a nap in a semi-secluded area. Once I managed to awkwardly jump/climb/flop into a hammock for the first time, then overcome my fear of having the rope snap, I discovered that hammocking was actually quite a relaxing, peaceful hobby.

4. Why wouldn’t you try something new?

Be brave! Have fun! Try a new adventure! We’ve all heard these motivational (sometimes annoying) sayings, but how often do we actually follow their advice? Probably not often enough. Hammocking is the perfect solution to this problem! You could try it out with some friends, or dare to be super adventurous and fly solo on this escapade. Also, hammocking is the perfect excuse to get outside and enjoy the remaining beautiful fall days before winter finally sets in.

source: http://www.unh.edu/unhtoday/sites/unh.edu.unhtoday/files/media/hammock01…

I encourage you to try out hammocking if and when you get the chance. I promise you that once you get the hang of it, it really is worth the effort. (Trust me, I put in a lot of effort the first time I tried to use one, but I’m confident you will find it much easier than I did at first).