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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.

Name: Kelsey Stoskopf

Twitter: @kelseystoskopf

Major: Journalism with a business minor

Year in School: Junior

Relationship Status: Single

Hometown: St. Louis, Missouri

Campus Activities: SUA, PRSSA, KU Dance Marathon

Activities Outside of Campus: Internship, writing blogs, and doing social media for GiftProfessor.

Favorite quote: “Do not fear, only believe.”

Turn ons: A sense of humor, someone who can be silly and laugh with me, someone who likes going out and doing fun things, but can also spend a night in watching movies. Someone I can work out with and just someone I can have fun with no matter what!

Turn offs:  Someone who tries too hard to impress me. Be yourself.

What is your favorite fall fashion piece? Yoga pants

Celebrity Crush: Adam Levine

What would we find you on campus?  In Stauffer-Flint working on a presentation

Who has been the most influential person in your life and why? My mom has been the most influential person in my life because she always knows what to say at the right time and she is no doubt my best friend and role model.

What is one thing you couldn’t go without for a day? My phone

What motivates you? Knowing that someday all my hard work will be worth it and my goals and dreams will become a reality.

What is one thing you urge women NOT to do?  Compare themselves to others. We are all guilty of it, but we are all different and we should all be happy with the body we were given.

What piece of clothing do you urge women NOT to wear? Denim skirts. Just don’t.

Dream job: I either want to be a wedding planner or write articles for a fitness magazine.

What is one thing people would never guess about you? I’m an only child.

Favorite music artists: Jason Aldean and Miranda Lambert

Favorite food: Hummus and Mexican food

Favorite store: Target

What has been the best experience of your college career thus far? Even though the KU Dance Marathon was this past weekend, it’s definitely been an experience to remember at KU.

What’s your guilty pleasure? Peanut butter

Advice you would have given to a younger you: Never let what other people say cause you to be unhappy. You are in charge of your happiness, no one else.

Worst pick-up line you’ve heard: “Excuse me, I seem to have lost my phone number, can I please borrow yours?” 

Best pick-up line you’ve heard: I don’t really need a clever pick up line, just come up and talk to me.

Most romantic thing a guy has done for you: Coming home from school to dinner and flowers.

Something you wish more guys would do: Surprise a girl with a fun date, something new and different!

Describe your ideal guy in three words: Tall, funny, athletic

Ideal date: My ideal date would be going to the middle of nowhere, having dinner in the back of a truck and just lying there afterwards. I don’t mind fancy dates, but I like crazy adventure dates, too.

Who makes the first move? The guy, duh.

If you could go anywhere in the United States, where would you go and why? I would go to New York because I’ve always wanted to experience city life.

Why do you think you’re a catch? Don’t be shy now. I am a down to earth girl who likes watching and playing sports. I like working out and am into fitness and eating healthy. I love to laugh and have a good time no matter what I’m doing. I’m willing to do anything and am up for new adventures. I love to act silly and don’t mind embarrassing myself sometimes. I work hard in school and I’m motivated to reach my goals and dreams.