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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.

Article by Julia Irminger


As Queer Eye is becoming one of the most popular shows on Netflix, winning four awards for reality TV in the 2019 Emmys, their lovable cast is also taking over our hearts. Their grooming expert and America’s sweetheart, Jonathan Van Ness, is a trailblazer in the growing movement of self-love and self-care as his motivational quotes and hilarious catch phrases reach the screens of an average of 7.7 million viewers. As your typical college student, here are some of his quotes that really resonate with me and get me through my day. 


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1. It’s always good to start your day off with a bit of morning inspiration, and Jonathan Van Ness is the queen of inspiration. We love  


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2. Before heading out for the day it’s important to look yourself in the mirror, strike a pose, and remind yourself what a sexy beast you are. 


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3. This is exactly how you feel when you look at the maps app on your phone and see that it’s a 25-minute walk to your next class. Oh no, not happening. Looks like I’m taking the bus. 


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4. I say this many times a day throughout the different scenarios my college life brings me. Whether it be looking at the price tags of the cutest accessories on sale at Target, getting a worksheet back in class & seeing that I got all of the answers right (not as often as the Target sale example), and again when the campus bus zooms off without me as I am clearly walking at an abnormal speed to try and catch it, rude.  


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6. Here’s a helpful tip for a new college student or any time you’re starting a new class: always volunteer to answer a question at the beginning of the semester, that’s when the questions are easiest and your professor hasn’t decided yet who they like or dislike. You want to get on their good side early, and at the same time you can get all the volunteering out of the way before it’s time for the hard stuff. The professor should remember you raising your hand at the beginning and might call on someone else this time.  


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7. Finally, this is the realest part about college. There will be nights when you’re up till the crack of dawn studying or finishing up a project you procrastinated on until the very last minute. Our friend Jonathan Van Ness came up with the perfect phrase to describe us in our most pure college kid state: struggs to func.  

Madeleine is a senior at the University of Kansas double majoring in Creative Writing and Journalism. Originally from Omaha, Nebraska, Madeleine spent the last few years of her high school career publishing two books (http://www.lulu.com/shop/m-rheinheimer/project-105/paperback/product-23264977.html + http://www.lulu.com/shop/madeleine-rheinheimer/undefined/paperback/product-22938535.html)  and traveling around the city speaking and sharing with locals. Knowing since the fourth grade that she was destined to be a writer when she grew up, Madeleine enjoys anything that involves creative expression. You can follow her personal blog at: https://illiterateblondes.com