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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.

Since KU did not get a spring break, I have been super stressed out with school and figuring out what I’m going to do after college. Because of this, podcasts have been my go-to. What I love about podcasts is that there is a podcast for every genre out there! 

woman with purple hair speaking into a microphone
Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

Some of my favorite podcasts have been self-love podcasts or podcasts where people get super vulnerable and real with their audience. What I like about podcasts is that it feels less staged than a YouTube video. When I listen to a podcast it feels like I really get to know the person, like I am talking with my friend.  I love going on walks and putting in my headphones and listening to podcasts. I try to start my day every morning by going on a walk with my dog and listening to an episode of a podcast during the walk. I really recommend this- it starts my day with some motivation and tips on ways to be kinder to yourself during this tough time. I have listed some of my favorite podcasts, which can all be found on Spotify! 


woman with headphones under tree
Photo by Charlotte May from Pexels


  • Skinny Dipping by Tatiana Ringsby and Kela Rose

  • Anything Goes With Emma Chamberlain by Emma Chamberlain

  • What We Said by Jaci Smith and Chelsy Curtis

  • The Self Love Fix by Beatrice 

  • Unlocking Us With Brené Brown by Brené Brown

  • The Joy of Procrastination 

  • Not Another Anxiety Show with Kelli Walker by Kelli Walker

  • The Happiness Lab by Dr. Laurie Santos

Woman Wearing Headset on Neck
Photo by Burst from Pexels

Hi!My name is Evan Bail. I am a Junior at the University of Kansas! In my free time I love going on walks with my dog and spending time with my family and friends.