School is not always fun. I realized this because I would always be exhausted when I came home from my classes. So, I decided to make myself feel better by decorating my school supplies. Well, in a way.
I wanted to go back to my childhood by purchasing character notebooks, calendars, and more. I wanted to laugh and be creative. That is something that I will always enjoy. So, I decided to make it happen more often.
For example, I have Squishmallow notebooks that always cheer me up when I look at them. I enjoyed writing in my notebooks for my classes because I was more motivated, if that makes sense.
I have over thirty pencils that aren’t just the color black, so I can read my notes with no problem at all. I wanted to enjoy my school year a lot more. This has definitely made an impact on my education more than I thought. I know it sounds crazy but it’s the truth.
Having a cute notebook can definitely be a way of motivating you to study and stay focused. Additionally, enjoying some time at home even if that means lying down in bed and wondering why in the world am I doing homework.
Personally, I like to stay ahead on all of my assignments and being able to feel like I can just breathe a little. I am a journalist and now I am required to write a story every week. To me, that is very stressful especially when I am involved in multiple organizations as well.
Let’s be honest, I barely have time to eat lunch on different days. I don’t even know how I am to do this some days. I wonder if it’s worth it but with my notebooks, I feel more motivated than ever!
You may believe and you may not believe, but rest assured, I do enjoy my character notebooks. I am not embarrassed to have them in the classroom in front of my peers. I rather enjoy it and if they stare, then let them. Honestly, it doesn’t matter to me because I am special and unique in my own way!
I embrace my creativity and enjoy what I am doing. Personally, I have created infographics that are amazing! Well, I hope everyone who reads this embraces who they are and enjoys being creative. I certainly am and I couldn’t be any more proud of myself!