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How To Stay Fit Over Christmas Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.

Christmas break is soon approaching and for most of us, it is a needed time off. With all of the stress of finals and the lack of sleep, it is necessary for us to have our 5 weeks of relaxing and catching up on our rest. However, this does not mean we shouldn’t still keep up with our exercise.  Since our Christmas break is a full 5 weeks, it is important to still maintain our physical activity, here’s how:

1.     Keep Moving

It’s easy to take long periods of relaxation with all the stress of holiday preparations and Christmas shopping. However, the more you move the better you’ll feel. Even if you can’t keep your usual routine, it’s okay if you change up your physical activity. The more you stay active the easier it’ll be to maintain your fitness level over the holidays.

2.     Strength Training

In order to maintain your muscle mass make sure you do compound, multi-joint movements that will help you get the most of out your workout. Lifting weights burns a lot of calories and helps you gain muscle, which can be beneficial during the holidays. Also try doing core work to vary your exercises.

3.     Exercise Wherever You Are

Even if one day you can’t make to the gym, you still have options. Do workout videos in your family room, core work on the floor of your room, or simply go for a walk outside. If you spend a day holiday shopping, park your car far away from the door to get a further walk in. Or if you are in a mall all day, take the stairs not the escalators. Simple physical activities such as these can make all the difference.

4.     Control Your Eating

We all can splurge a little bit during the holidays, but don’t let it be the whole break. If you go to a holiday party, only have one dessert not three or four. If you are drinking over the break, try to avoid fruity or mixed drinks and drink a glass of water after every alcoholic drink you consume.

5.     Get Outside

With the recent warm weather, we all may in luck to have a not so cool Christmas break. If the weather permits, get outside! Play basketball with your siblings or go for a run. Any physical activity you can do outside will help you stay active. Even if the weather gets cooler, sledding and ice skating can always be good workouts too!

The best advice you can follow is to do whatever you can to stay active. No matter what it is, it is at least something. Try and stay as consistent as you can, and don’t let yourself get off course. Then you will be able to return to college fit and ready to take on next semester!

University of Kansas Journalism School Student