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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.

By just looking around campus, anyone can tell that there are a number of diseases going around. Coughing, sneezing, watery eyes, and more are all signs of the inevitable—the flu. Most likely, you know someone who is sick or beginning to show signs of being sick, which is the worst to have to deal with. Who needs a cold or the flu on top of class work, jobs, clubs and other life priorities? Besides, we still drag ourselves to class even if we feel and look like death itself. This obviously doesn’t help speed up recovery time because of the looming, constant cold, but what can you do? Well, this list will help you prevent from getting sick and have a faster recovery if you are sick! So, read ahead to find out about products and ways to feel better this cold season!

First off, here are some food and drink related products that will improve your overall health, which makes it easier for your body to fight against diseases! Emergen-C is a sickness staple, because Vitamin C is essential for your body to have enough power to fight germs. Another drink that is good for a sore or scratchy throat is green tea. Green tea can also clear sinuses and build your immune system. Water is a no-brainer, since hydration is key in times like this. Being dehydrated is just another thing your body has to work against, so be sure to drink plenty! Fruits and vegetables, especially leafy greens, are important for your body’s overall health. They’re full of vitamins and fiber, which is exactly what you need! 






The weather here is officially freezing with a combo of snow and rain, which basically spells sickness. In order to prevent yourself from getting sick in this weather, make sure to wear heavy winter coats like this one! Gloves and pants are also important, even if some people try to pretend they’re not cold in shorts. Also, carrying around a bottle of Germ-X in your pocket can help rid your hands of the germs passed around. Touching bus handles, stair rails, or even your friend’s hand is just passing on more germs to other people and yourself. Germ-X will eliminate those germs and reduce the likeliness of getting sick!




You probably remember VapoRub, or at least its smell, from your mom lathering it under your nose and on your throat when you were sick as a kid. But it is a sickness staple for a reason. Putting it on your throat and under your nose will clear your sinuses and let you keep breathing easy!

The last item is one of the key factors in any part of life: sleep. Getting extra sleep during these times is important, even if you have a busy schedule. A lack of sleep will prevent anyone’s body from functioning properly, and this includes being able to fight germs. In conclusion, get out there and be disease-free!




Hey! My name is Veronica and I am a freshman at the University of Kansas. I am majoring in journalism and I am so excited to start my writing journey at HER Campus!