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Here’s Why You Should Start Watching ‘Just Between Us’

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.


If you aren’t familiar with Youtube’s Just Between Us, here’s what you need to know: the channel is kept standing by killer comedy duo Gaby Dunn and Allison Raskin. After working at Buzzfeed, the two of them started their own channel as a platform to tackle both real life issues (including an advice segment where they answered questions from viewers) and produce hilariously creative sketches. What’s not to love?

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While Gaby and Allison are (obviously) playing/being themselves in every JBU video, they are still playing characters of sorts. They act as, in a sense, extreme versions of themselves. Part of what makes the show so entertaining is how every sketch, advice segment and rant makes it so evident how much of an Odd Couple these two best friends are. Without their differences, JBU would not be complete.

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Recently, the channel has undergone a shift.  As of right now, their show has shifted from (mostly) purely comedy to addressing more serious matters. Underneath the lighthearted banter of the show’s dynamic are topics that are relevant and meaningful. The two discuss important topics like mental health, politics, navigating relationships and overcoming insecurity. This gives the channel a perfect mix of amusement and of acknowledgement to serious issues as well as activism.

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Just Between Us is so much more than the hilarity of an odd couple dynamic. It’s so much more than humor. Each episode is a reminder of how well two people can fit together, despite their obvious differences in opinion. Everything, from their scripted content to their spontaneous banter, teaches in some way. Despite their description of their channel stating that “you will learn nothing“, you’ll never walk away from an episode empty-handed. 

picture credit: url


Lucie (originally from Tulsa, OK) is a fourth-year journalism major at KU. Her favorite things include (but are not limited to) coffee, new music, life in LFK, and every dog in existence (they are all good dogs). While being involved in a handful of student organizations on campus, HerCampus was her first step into campus involvement and she absolutely loves everything it has to offer. She is ecstatic to be HerCampus KU's content copyeditor.