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Harry Styles Releases his Single: Reaction Videos to Watch

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.

If you don’t know. Harry Styles officially delivered his first single last Friday. His song generated 2.26 million global streams on Saturday night and moved up to number 17 on Sunday with 2.18 global streams. People and critics have been praising the song, such as calling it ” a ballsy and calculated chess move”, ” pompous, overblown, too long, and fans are gonna love it”, and much more.

Personally, I love the song. I believe we all get to hear Harry Styles expressing his style of music. From interviews Harry shared that he was inspired from artists such as David Bowie. Harry’s song is literally a ballad that is just celestial, it is a constellation of emotions wrapped up in one song. It is the kind of song you drive to at night, as your windows are down and the wind pushes through your hair. This song takes you to those lonely times after a breakup, and it is the song that is accompanying you in the process of healing.

I feel many of you may feel somewhere alike to me and I wanted to include some of the reaction videos I watched and enjoyed on this journey it has been in listening to the music that Harry Styles has delivered to all of us. Also next article will be discussing the meaning I see of this song.

These are some of my favorite reaction video to “Signs of the Times”

YouTube Channel ScruSociety


YouTube Channel Katherine Kouch


Youtube Channel Gera Husseim


Youtube Channel Chico Venus


                                       This is how I looked like when I first heard the song, sadly I didn’t record myself. Join me next week as I describe the way I intrepet Harry’s song.