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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.

If you haven’t been hiding under a rock, you have definitely seen Taylor Swift’s new music video Blank Space and minus the fact that is completely ingenious and exactly what we wanted from Taylor, the guy in the video is what is holding my attention.


Pause. If you haven’t watched the video yet, PLEASE go watch it here now.

Okay resuming. This guy that everyone has been wondering about is Sean O’pry. This 25-year old has been modeling for some time now but why hasn’t he been noticed until now?! Before this video, he was also in Queen of Pop Madonna’s video “Girl Gone Wild” but it wasn’t until now that he made his full music video debut. The most ironic thing however in fact is that I immediately thought that this man is THE Christian Gray. Come on ladies, agree with me on this one. This man isn’t just a beautiful human being, but a mysterious one at that. I am yearning to know more about Sean and have stalked him for countless hours on Google, which has become oh so satisfying.


So set him as your computer and phone background, because I have a feeling he is going to be around for quite some time now. Take a hint, Taylor!