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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.

Pumpkin Spice Lattes, black leggings, Pinterest boards, and the Bachelor. If you cringed at any of these things, it might be because soceity has trained us girls to see them as “basic”. In this context, basic pretty much has the worst connotation. Basic is bad and girls that like anything in the Basic White Girl Category is just another messy bun and white Converse wearing gal. But have you ever thought that these Basic things so often condemned are popular because, well, they’re awesome?

Yes, Starbucks falls under the Basic category, but it is probably because their coffee rocks. Black leggings are a staple among college girls, but who can blame us? They’re comfy af. Pinterest may just seem like an outlet to look at cute outfits and fitspo, but is there anything wrong with that? And finally the Bachelor. Well, let’s just leave that one there, because I may go on a rant on just why the show that makes us facepalm multiple times throughout each episode is actaully the best show ever. 

What I’m getting at is that liking something that is popular does not mean that you are any less unique of a lady. Just because you swoon over Ryan Gosling or cry over John Green novels, does not mean you cannot love biology, listen to smooth jazz, or wear black every day of the week. Embrace your weird. Embrace your basic. Embrace you.


Photo: Stella Frisby, Jojo Fletcher’s Instagram