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The Business Professional in All of Us

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.

As a member of the Business School at the University of Kansas and a pledge of the professional business fraternity, Delta Sigma Pi, the term “business professional” has recently invaded my vocabulary. Most of the time this term applies to the specific attire of an occasion. However, I would also argue that it pertains to how we act, as well as how we think of ourselves.

When going to a business interview or meeting, it is important (as we all know) to look our best. This includes the traditional pieces of advice, such as: tucked in shirts, knee-length skirts, minimal makeup (now is probably not the time to try out the latest smoky-eye technique), sharp-looking shoes, and the like. However, don’t be afraid to make your own style of business professional. Spice up your outfit with a cute pair of earrings or add some debonair lipstick for a little kick.

source: http://jobsearch.about.com/od/interviewattire/

In addition to looking our best, we must also act and think our best. After attending the Business Career Fair that KU holds each semester, I concluded that business professional is more than how you dress; it’s also how you act. At the career fair I had to confidently walk up to business representatives and strike up a conversation. In situations like these, it is important to demonstrate communication skills and personability in a tactful manner. This includes refraining from colloquial expressions and from having bad posture, as well as remembering to smile and maintain eye contact.

 source: https://www.trutelecom.net/low-price-guarantee/

I have also discovered that in order to act business professional, we must think business professional. We are all strong, capable women, but no one can truly believe that about us until we first believe it about ourselves. We each have our unique talents and abilities that no one else does, so we must celebrate those, rather than concentrate on our shortcomings.

The more I learn about business professional, the more fun and exciting it becomes. Hopefully, you all feel the same way!