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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.

1.    “You Only Get Out What You Put In” – Bill Cordes

My freshman year of high school a motivational speaker told this to us. It sounds sort of silly, but you can’t expect to make a cake if you haven’t added all of the ingredients. Hard work and success are the same way.   

2.    “You were not built to shrink down to less but to blossom into more” – My Mom (quoting Oprah)

You were not made to conform, or be another version of someone else. If the world could succeed without your help, you wouldn’t be here. 


3.    “You just gotta chill, dude. There are times when you gotta give a fudge* and times when you gotta let go.” – Frat Boy

*used a word other than fudge

4.    “Ignoring your passion is slow suicide. Never ignore what your heart pumps for. Mold your career around your lifestyle, not your lifestyle around your career.” – Sarah Kohen (quoting Kevin Claiborne)

This quote makes me cry every time, no joke. 

5.    “And if everything does not fall into place at the same time and pace, that does not mean all the years you’ve waited have been a waste. Keep planting, sowing, living, and knowing that beautiful things take time and that’s okay.” -Morgan Harper NicholsSource

6.    Self-care is not an excuse to blow others off.

Sometimes you need time for yourself. Sometimes you need a break. Sometimes you need to ask for help, and sometimes you need to take a mental health day. But sometimes self-care is owning up to your responsibilities and getting what needs to get done, done. None of these things are an excuse to be a jerk or to treat someone unfairly. 

7.    Do not apologize for being empathetic.

I will never apologize for crying at a movie or feeling emotion in any other situation. 

8.    “Any day above ground is a good day” – Pitbull


9.    In everything you do, have a Positive Mental Attitude.

More info on PMA: https://tinybuddha.com/blog/8-tips-to-help-create-a-positive-mental-attitude/

10.    You choose what you put your energy into. 

You can judge someone on Instagram, be upset over a snide comment, cry over a grade you didn’t want. Or you can do something about it and use your energy more efficiently. Source

11.    “It’s not the face, but the expressions on it. It’s not the voice, but what you say. It’s not how you look in that body, but the thing you do with it. You are beautiful.” – Stephanie Meyer


After reading Her Campus for a couple years, Zoe has decided to give it a shot.