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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Krea chapter.

College has always been advertised for its nightlife, and coming to Krea, you prepare yourself not to await such experiences. We come here knowing we are based in the middle of nowhere and seemingly disconnected from the “outside world,” making it difficult to experience the cliched nightlife. But the nights here are beautiful and peaceful. On your first night here, you fall in love. You immediately see how, after a busy day of classes and building of resumes, a small world comes out of their rooms to step out and enjoy the fresh air. The small cliques, the best friends who turned lovers, the gossip sessions,  and the midnight adventures – all happen at night.

A Krea highlight is the sunset, but our clear night sky, filled with hundreds of stars, is a sight to behold. Lying down in the open-air theater with your favorite music playing, staring at the stars, and seeing Orion’s Belt is an experience that cannot be compared. There’s also always something happening at night —some party or club event somewhere that opens its arms wide open for everyone to join in. There are nights when you take a walk and hear someone singing with their friends from the library block or friends having game nights at the New Narsimulu cafe tables, and these experiences build your Krea life. 

You meet friends of friends you’ve never run into before and become part of clubs and societies you didn’t know existed. You often end up being there when the ideas are flowing, and people from different walks of life sit around a table in the old dining room and have the most interesting conversations. At night is also when all the matches take place. Whether basketball and football or the gaming club, Krea matches that run into the night build the foundations of friendships. And there is always someone somewhere screening a movie in one of the seminar halls or classrooms or groups of people dancing on the steps of the academic block. There’s never a dull night. 

When you do want a dull night in, that’s easily doable, too. Walking around Krea at night, finding comfort in the cool breeze, is all you need to start afresh. There are so many spots across campus where you can take a moment to enjoy the quiet and pick up a book or spend some time by yourself. Going to the third floor of the academic building and seeing the entire university, with yellow ambient lights across it, is a sight that can never be replaced.

At night, you run into everything and everyone, including bats and frogs, and that is what makes Krea, Krea. The worst thing you can run into on a beautiful night at Krea is Noor, the campus dog, but after a while, hiding from her is where the fun begins. What happens at night stays in that moment forever, never brought up again by anyone. Who is seen where and with whom, doing what stays embedded in your memory until it is time for the day to begin and for us to return to being the academic weapons we are.

Helloo! I'm a second-year student at Krea University, determined to juggle Psychology and Biological sciences without getting too caught up with insect evolution. I love everything nature and spend my time watching either bird documentaries or true crime ones. I hope you enjoy reading all my last-minute bursts of creativity!!