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Your Own Renewable Resource: Why You Should Donate Blood

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kenyon chapter.


With another Blood Drive right around the corner (Tomorrow, January 29th, Gund Commons 11-5!), it’s a great time to consider donating to the Red Cross if you have never done so before. There are many great reasons to give blood, and everyone may have a personal reason.

            The motto of the Red Cross is “The Need is Constant, The Gratification is Instant.” This is completely true! Every donation can help save up to three lives. Although it may be scary to think about, you or someone you know could one day need a blood transfusion. Donations to the Red Cross keep compatible blood available to aid in times of need. Whether you have a very common blood time, such as O positive, or a rarer type, there is always a need for blood. Humans have more blood than is needed to function, so you have plenty to spare!

            If you’re freaking out about the actual act of giving blood, don’t worry; the process is relatively quick and not scary! Bringing an experienced friend can help to ease your nerves if you aren’t so sure about the process. The procedure is simple – just check in with the front desk and read the packet they give you. Be sure to have your donor card and another form of ID with you. Then, you get a mini physical – your temperature, iron levels, and heart rate are required, just to make sure you are cleared to donate. If everything is good to go, you’ll be moved to the donation area, where you’ll just sit back and relax -the donation process takes about 10 minutes. After a pint has been collected, you’ll need to have some refreshments (free cookies, anyone?) and relax for a few more minutes to assure that you feel okay. After that, you’re free to go!

            If you’ve been turned away before, it’s never too late to try again. There are many ways to help make sure you’re ready to donate. Our top tips are:

·       Make sure that you’re well rested and well hydrated.

·       Avoid fatty food and have a good, iron-rich meal before you donate.

·       Bring a book or some music – it can help to relax you during the actual donation. Or, use the time to get to know the Red Cross employees, they are incredibly nice people.

·       Wear something with sleeves that can be rolled up to make for an easier time.

·       Take it easy for the rest of the day and follow all of the aftercare instructions given to you.


The blood drive will take place tomorrow, January 29, 2015 in Gund Commons from 11am to 5pm. Please stop by!

For more information, visit RedCrossBlood.org.

Reagan Neviska is a senior at Kenyon College where she studies Anthropology and Music. She is an active member of her coed Greek service organization, The Archon Society, as well as the president of Gospel Choir, a Her Campus Chapter Writer, and a member of the Symphonic Wind Ensemble, where she plays percussion. Reagan's interests include reading, practicing and listening to music, playing with dogs (her family has four!) and watching Downton Abbey.  You can follow her on Twitter and Instagram @Reagaroni.
Abigail Roberts is a senior English/Creative Writing major at Kenyon College. When she's not writing, she's wasting away on Netflix, voting, or being weird about Victorian literature.