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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kenyon chapter.

Ah, sophomore year in January. When everyone plagues you with the “Are you going abroad?” question. As an English major, it’s hard to hear my friends talk about going to Exeter a full year.  I want to be in on the fun, and yet I don’t want to go away for an entire year because I feel like there’s too much I’d miss out on at Kenyon. 

Sometimes, I really dislike the automatic pressure put on English majors’ shoulders when they decide they want to go abroad elsewhere because the amount of credits they can get will be significantly lower.  And not just English majors—a lot of people decide to forfeit their abroad experience in order to fulfill their major requirements. 

When I decided to choose Vienna, Austria as my OCS, there were a lot more factors I had to keep in mind besides academics.  For those out there who are struggling to decide whether or not they have made the right decision (or for freshmen who might find this advice useful next year) here are some words of encouragement.

1.     Go where you want to go.

Don’t let others around you influence your opinions. For a couple months, I was conflicted on what program to choose because a) the majority of my friends were applying to Exeter, and b) I was worried about credits needed towards my major. In the end, I chose Vienna because it was where I truly wanted to go and fit my needs the best.  The great part about OCS is that there are so many different programs with a variety of options for everyone. Take advantage of this if you decide to study abroad and pave your own way by applying to a program that aligns with your individual needs and desires. 


2.     Do the research.

I know, I know. Researching can be an unpleasant burden at times, but be thorough about it before choosing a program. Often, the informational links on Studio Abroad aren’t enough — do your own background check! Whether it’s reading more student reviews, calculating financial expenditures, or just looking up what kind of electricity converter you’d need, every piece of knowledge adds to your “pro/con” list that can help you make your ultimate decision.


3.     Feel confident in your choice.

When it’s all said and done, the most important thing is that your decision should make you happy. If the program doesn’t fulfill a lot of major requirements but you love it, go there anyway and stand firm in your choice. If you decide off-campus study isn’t for you, great! Make sure no one makes you feel bad about it, because staying at Kenyon is also a great choice. Going to Exeter for a whole year isn’t for everyone (which took me a while to realize) but whatever and whenever you do make your decision, own it!


As a student at Kenyon, there are so many options. It may seem like an impossible mountain of work that you have to confront, but if you stick to your gut and follow up with the research, you’ll definitely know what you want out of your junior year. Whether you wind up exploring a new country or enjoying good old Kenyon, I hope you are appreciating the place you are in.


Image credits: Clara Yetter, Shuttershock