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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kenyon chapter.

Every year around the New Year I tell myself my only resolution for the New Year is to read more. I love reading, but every year I fail to meet my goal no matter how much I try. This year, I thought that if I wrote a review for every book I read and then publicly shared it maybe I would be more motivated to make sure I’m reading every day and hitting my goals.  This year I want to read a minimum of two books a month, and I have a stretch goal of four books a month.


Unfortunately, this month I only had time to read one book. I am definitely looking forward to Thanksgiving break, when I can curl up and read to my heart’s content!



Room Temperature by Nicholson Baker

This 115-page essay-turned-book delves into the deep thoughts of a father during a 20-minute feeding session with his newborn baby.  The father contemplates life, the past, the present and the future, as he holds new life in his arms.

I got this recommendation through an article on bibliotherapy.  This book was one of the books that author was “prescribed,” and I was intrigued so I decided to read it.  Unfortunately, I was really not drawn into the book.  The sentences are rambling and although it is definitely beautifully written the rambling style loses the reader. I had a hard time keeping up with the author’s train of thought.  I was also craving a story with a good plot, but I found this novel’s plot to be boorish. I thought about putting it down a few times (no one has time for an un-enjoyable read!) but it is only 115 pages, so I kept going.  This is not to say though that the book can’t be enjoyable—the prose is very poetic. So,  if you are interested in a book with a poetic style and deep thoughts this is definitely the book for you! Unfortunately, it was just not what I was craving as a book at the moment.


After that book, I really want to read something good! If you have a good recommendation or have your own opinions on Room Temperature tell me in the comments!


Image credits: Amazon, xojane