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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kenyon chapter.

Gambier is a small place. You will walk down middle path and run into several people, some who you may not really want to see. You’ll meet someone out on a weekend and see him or her again at Peirce brunch on Sunday, where they will ignore you. However, maybe the best part about the people at Kenyon is how different we all are.

At Kenyon, you’ve got your athletes, club sport peeps, indoor kids, artsy kids, liberal fartsy kids, and everything in between. And no, this not is a Mean Girls reference. The beautiful thing about college is that there are different people everywhere you look. Take a gander (Ganter) at the different signs you’ll see around campus!



The Aquarians are the friggin’ Beyonce’s of school. You’re lucky if you see them at lunch because they’re constantly racing around. They’re involved in this club and on that sports team and in that acapella group, and yet they still look calm and cool together. They aren’t part of a group, they often float and you can see them easily fitting in with all different kinds of people. Most importantly, you’ll definitely see them on a night out. After a busy week, these people love to unwind and hang loose. They love to have fun and are definitely the people you need in Gambier, where often you see the limitations more than the possibilities. Take their word for it, do your homework later and jump in the Kokosing now. An Aquarius will never steer you wrong.



Pisces are the gentle, compassionate souls. They are outgoing—but in odd ways. They’re the people you’ll have a friend-crush on because they always seem so chill and happy with life. Often musical, these are the Horn people, always showing you a new band, or jetting off to Columbus for a cool concert. While these people are incredibly nice, they tend to like their alone time. Sometimes existential, Pisces often feel trapped by the confinements of college life, which can seem limiting. Urge them out of their dorm rooms and distract them with fun, ‘cause Pisces need ways to keep themselves going!



Think of Aries as varsity students. Sure, as athletes they’re certainly big forces on the field, but they’re also excellent in other areas. These are the folks in your classrooms that are always hogging the class discussion—sometimes just to try to make themselves sound smarter. They may glance over to see what grade you got, or try and brag about something else; but please refrain from strangling them. Aries folks are full of energy, and sometimes that is a great thing. Yeah, they’re the bossy sign, but they ain’t stupid! They know what they want and are quick to hoot and holler if they see something they don’t like. It’s all about channeling their energy and confidence into important channels. Getting in with them can lead to your success, so get on that.




Taurus people see the absolute beauty in everything and truly take the time to see the joy in life. They’re often chill and considered down to earth just because they can see the good in things certain people fail to pay attention to. They love the finer things, and they love the finer people. Taurus folks are great friends because they’re reliable and will always show their love for you. Yeah, they’re possessive, and will be hurt if you don’t reciprocate the friendship, but it’s simply because they love you. Honestly, it’s a great thing to know what you want in life, and stubborn Taurus definitely knows that and wants other people to share their views. Need a voice of reason in your life? Find a Taurus. Need help seeing the brighter side? Find a Taurus.



We got a twin sign in the lineup! Often seen as the sketchy signs, Geminis get a bad rep for having two sides. And yeah, you can get a two-faced Gemini who doesn’t always seem to be who you want them to be. But sometimes it’s as simple as an indecisive person. They’re not sure exactly what they want, and this is a fun person to explore options with. While it’s great to be sure of yourself, we’re young and sometimes it’s good to indulge in the unknown, and take the time to try things out with a Gemini. However, be clear with Geminis—they aren’t reliable. They’re constantly looking to improve themselves and their lifestyle. So don’t get too upset or surprised when they drift from ya, or you can’t get close to one. It’s in their nature.



This is THE mom of college. She’s gonna be the one to help you walk home on the weekends, help you figure out your schedule, sit there as you cry because you’re a little homesick. Cancers are loving, supporting humans, and will always try to push YOU to be YOUR best. But just like every mom, they can sometimes go overboard. Remember that only you know what’s best for you, and your cancer gal may not always have the answers. And on the flip side, a Cancer isn’t going to spend time telling you about themselves. They’re super emotional and very caring, but for all that emotion, they really tuck themselves away to help other people. They are very, very persistent. So take time to give the Cancers in your life a little hug, because they need it, whether they’ll tell you or not.



These are the natural born leaders at Kenyon. Head of clubs, leaders of social groups, always planning parties…these Leos pretty much always look like they’re in control. These are the people you love to hate—they always have a million things going on, but the worst part is that they totally look in control. Leos love power, and taking initiative is what they do best. They’re gonna do what they’re gonna do, even if that means stepping on a few toes to get there. These ain’t gonna be the people who hold your hand through the tough bits of college. They’ll be there when you hit your stride and you’ve got a handle on your classes and you’re feeling good, but the second you stumble they’ll get a small sense of satisfaction at your failure. I’m not hating, I’m just being real. Leos, keep doing you.



Virgos are, in a word, neat freaks. They’re very controlling of their environment and want things organized and controlled. They work hard…and work hard. You can catch them in the library until late in the night, probably stressing out over something that you may not consider a big deal. Or they’ll be a Wiggin warrior, and carve out 5 hours each day in a booth, just doing work. At Kenyon, where life can sometimes be slow and it’s really up to you to make your own schedule, a Virgo can flail a bit in trying to find the structure in their life. And I know you’re gonna want to urge them out of the library, or tell them that their room is perfectly neat, but you gotta resist those urges. They like to live their lives in a very specific way and expect everyone to respect it. So give them some space, work on yourself, and catch them when they’re not on that mid-week grind.



Libras love to love! They love to be surrounded with happy faces and people who love them and validate them. And this is not a bad thing, except at Kenyon, where everyone seems to have their own schedule and is doing their own thing. Libras may not appreciate the independence that goes on at Kenyon, and worry that they’re doing something wrong. It’s important to remind your Libra friends that you love them dearly. Libras are gentle souls who will frolic with you on Middle Path in fall when the leaves look beautiful, or will forego work in the winter to make a snowman with you. Libras are more likely to join Greek life or sports teams because they love the group mentality, and being a part of something. They may join too many clubs just because they love interesting people, and get bored by routine, which can get dangerous in Gambier.



Ah yes, I know you were all wondering when these fools would come around. KENYON SAD BOYS, yes you have a place in the astrological world. You all know who I’m talking about: the people who come to Kenyon for their angst, and displace their emotions into the crevices of Kenyon filled with people determined to see the world in a sad way. Scorpios are known as the mysterious sign because they keep their emotions bottled up and appear to simply look cool and collected. You’ll see them smoking outside Horn shows, or giving you a swift nod instead of stopping to ask you how your day was because they’re insistent on maintaining this cool atmosphere. However, everyone at Kenyon is a nerd, and Scorpios just like to think that they’re different. Don’t let it dissuade you or make you think that you need to be sad too; Scorpio is just an intense water sign.



Sagittarians love a good time! They’re constantly looking for a new adventure or new project and are easily dissatisfied by stagnant life. They need to be in touch with the world and find different ways to live life. And hey, that’s awesome! These are going to be the people itching to get off campus and get Chipotle just for a change of scenery, or taking you down to the Kokosing to get out of the library and be with nature for a little bit. They can get bogged down by the immense amount of work we get at Kenyon College, and it’s important to keep them on track because their curiosity and little amounts of patience really gets to them. Sagittarians are typically Studio Art majors—people who don’t relate to the tedious note taking and reading of most classes, and need to really dig into their art. Catch them at an Old K party dancing their heart out, and they’ll show you a good time!



Capricorns are bosses. They know what they want and they strive to get it. Their planners of full of meetings, they walk confidently in the servery, they go to the KAC on a regular basis. Capricorns are regimented people—they love family, tradition, and routine. They will study their butts off and work hard to make sure that they’re doing their best. You know how sometimes parents worry that their kids are messing around in college and not doing their best? You NEVER have to worry about a Capricorn. They will do their best, and then some. If anything, give them opportunities to unwind, because they’ll need it. But don’t try to mess with their routine, or you’ll face their wrath.


And there you have it—these are the Astrological signs imaged as people you meet in college. All people are beautiful snowflakes and no doubt you’ll find your people. And if you find yourself resonating with your sign, congrats! You know yourself!


Image credits: Giphy.com