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Get to Know Your DA: Julian Pavlin ’14

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kenyon chapter.

Meet this week’s DA, senior basketball player, Peirce-lover and NCA-living Julian Pavlin!


Hometown: New York City

Favorite trip or vacation: Israel

Diversity-related issue about which I’m most passionate: Racism. Through the DA program, I hope to be a positive force and raise the level of awareness and discussion concerning racism on campus.

Super-power I’d most want to have: Teleportation. Mostly just to be able to to skip the hill between the KAC and Peirce. 

Ally Bruschi is a senior political science major at Kenyon College. She spent this past summer interning as a writer with both The Daily Meal, a digital media group  dedicated to "all things food and drink" and The Borgen Project, a non-profit organization that partners with U.S. policymakers to alleviate global poverty. Before entering the "real world" of jobs, however, Ally spent many summers as a counselor at an all-girls summer camp in Vermont, aka the most wonderful place on earth. A good book, a jar of peanut butter, a well-crafted Spotify playlist, and a lazy dog could get her through even the worst of days.