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6 Tips and Tricks for Transitions

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kenyon chapter.

The weather is good! The days are getting longer! We can bear our legs without feeling chill!However, transitions can be stressful.  Whether we realize it or not, we are constantly changing throughout the year. Some changes may be obvious, like a new haircut or piercing. Some may be subtler, like a catch phrase that you picked up from your friends.

Perhaps it was a difficult year and you’re really looking forward to being a recluse. Or maybe you thrive at college, and have trouble being at home. Regardless, changing environments is always tricky. Here are some tips and tricks about how to handle the changing times!  

1. Sleep

I know we’ve all heard slow and steady wins the race, but it’s honestly true. Vacations can quickly turn into marathons when everyone gets home—instead of relaxing, we all tend to race around to see our friends and hit up our favorite lunch spots. You may not realize it, but your body takes a beating during the school year. Make sure to sleep enough and give yourself some “you time,” like taking a bath in celebration of non-communal bathrooms!


2. Make it Count

On other hand, summer can fly by if you don’t have a plan. I feel like during the year I can always think of fun plans, but I’m always too busy to do anything like go camping or drive to see a concert. Regardless of whether you’re working, interning, or just bumming it, think of a way to frame your summer. Maybe you want to be more creative, and make a point to research some cool art exhibits or theatre performances at the beginning of the summer. Perhaps you gained the freshmen fifteen, and want to make it a goal to get healthy and back in shape. Summer is truly a unique opportunity that quickly goes away in the “real world.”


3. Disconnect

I get it, FOMO is real. The difficult part of college is that going home means that some of the best friends you have live across the country. There is always an urge to constantly maintain a snapchat streak or text in your group chat; however, there is a beauty to being disconnected. While I love keeping in touch and knowing what everyone is up to, it’s important to remember that they aren’t going anywhere. The beauty of summer is to reflect on the year and grow from your past experiences so consequently you can show up back on campus and regroup with your friends. A snapchat with the dog filter can’t hurt, but take time to look up from your screen.


4. Accept the Weird

This is arguably the hardest tip, but accept when things don’t meet your expectations. Sometimes we don’t realize how different we have become at college; moreover, we may not realize that our friends have changed too. Maybe your best friend joined a sorority, or cut their hair, or has crazier stories than you. While it’s difficult to accommodate the new, try and embrace the change. There is something wonderful about having friends who have stuck by you throughout your rebellious college hairstyles, experimentation with partying, and unfortunate relationships. Because they don’t get to be with you throughout the year, take the time to share with each other, and embrace what is different.


5. Be Appreciative

We’re all guilty of it—during finals we crave our parents’ cooking, free laundry, and our own bedrooms. Everything is fun and games until your home and realize how much you missed your independence. It’s a tricky act to balance—being an adult at college and being a child at home. Regardless of what your family life is (because some families are really difficult to come back to!), try and be appreciative for both being able to go to college, and for how your family provides for you on vacation. It doesn’t seem like a privilege when we’re nose deep into textbooks and essays and tests, or when our parents are yelling at us while we’re back for the summer, or even when we’re working at an unpaid internship. However, anything is a better experience when you have a better mindset. Try and be grateful this summer, and think of ways to take advantage of the opportunities that you’re given.


6. Prepare Yourself

Yes you’re going to miss college, the parties, the friends, the independence, the extracurriculars, etc. However, it’s hard to have something not meet your expectations. Go into the new semester with goals in mind, but also flexibility. Things always shift around because you’re living in a new place, maybe with new people, working with a new schedule, and things are bound to be different. Embrace new friends that may come into your life, accept when your priorities may need to shift, and understand that ultimately things are never how you expect them to be.


With that in mind, enjoy the vacations, the warmth, the relaxation, and the freedom. Rest up, take care of yourselves, and get excited for a new school year with new articles, tips, and tricks!


Image Credit: Feature1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Class of 2017 at Kenyon College. English major, Music and Math double minor. Hobbies: Reading, Writing, Accidentally singing in public, Eating avocados, Adventure, and Star Wars.