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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kenyon chapter.

I haven’t had much luck in the Friend Department. In sixth grade, my “best friend” bossed me around and shamed me if I didn’t do everything her way. Throughout high school, I had a few good friends, but I didn’t have anyone who I could hang out with outside of school without feeling a little awkward. Even during my first months at Kenyon I spent many weekends holed up in my tiny McBride double and ate even more meals in quiet solitude at Peirce. (Not that I’m complaining—as a proud introvert, I love being alone, but it would have been nice to share a meal with company sometimes.)  It wasn’t until this semester that I finally found companionship with someone on the same frequency as me.

Okay, fine. I didn’t technically meet my mind twin this semester, but our relationship has certainly blossomed into a beautiful friendship within the last four months. If you want to know the truth, we met last year on New Side in Peirce. Our mutual friend Akasha suggested that we should be roommates since Community Advisor decisions hadn’t been made yet and the housing lottery loomed in the near future. After our first conversation, I knew Akasha had not erred in her recommendation and, soon enough, Bryn Rediger became a regular face in my life.

In honor of her birthday two weeks ago and in the spirit of Thanksgiving, I wanted to write this article to show my gratitude for the most compassionate, down-to-earth person I know. For anyone who has seen Bryn tripping down hills or watching Netflix on the third floor of the library and thought, “Wow, I wish I could be like her,” you’re welcome.


Fall back to sleep on the floor in the mornings

If you don’t go back to bed, you can’t fall asleep, right? Wrong.


Start your day off with a Peirce omelet every day, even if there’s a line

It doesn’t matter if there are ten people in front of you in line. If you truly want to be like Bryn, you must fight for what you want, even if it will be gone in a quarter of the time you waited for it.


Only eat pasta if it’s the “right” shape

If the fusion line is serving pasta marinara, you better investigate ahead of time. If they are serving macaroni, egg noodles, or spaghetti, you’re better off checking what they’re serving at comfort or international.


If you can’t do traditional yoga poses correctly, try and make your own “exotic” poses

Yoga is hard. Why try and perfect the tried-and-true poses when you could just make up your own? At least then no one could tell you that you’re downward-dogging wrong.


Always carry a cup of tea with you no matter where you go

You will get bonus points if it’s Earl Grey or chai.


While waiting for dinner to start, make sure you send your friends selfies using all of the daily Snapchat filters

Enough said.


Live on a farm in Middle of Nowhere, Indiana

Over October break, I had the opportunity to visit Bryn’s farm. As she walked around with the horses in a pasture surrounded by trees, I could have sworn I stepped into the universe of YA novel.


Own four dogs, four sheep, two horses, and a million cats

Yes, a million cats. When I visited her farm, her cat had recently given birth to a litter of kittens, and guess what? There are more to come over winter break. #PoorBeckett


When you’re not watching Netflix on the third floor of the library, make sure you watch scary episodes on your bed, underneath a blanket

The monsters from Supernatural can’t get you from underneath a blanket, right?


Make thoughtful, homemade birthday gifts instead of buying them

I love quotes. For my twentieth birthday, Bryn bought a tiny journal and wrote her favorite quotes from literature on every page. Alongside a typewriter key necklace I received from a family friend, it is definitely one of my most prized birthday gifts.


When there is a box of free Halloween candy, snag a couple pieces every time you pass it

It’s free. Why would you miss an opportunity to enjoy it? Plus, Halloween isn’t Halloween without a backpack full of chocolate.


Wear fuzzy socks at night, even if it’s not cold enough for them

I’m pretty sure fuzzy socks are synonymous with ultimate comfort, and Bryn obviously agrees.


Google the health benefits of all the vegetables in the salad bar and make it a point to eat them, even if you don’t like them

Did you know tomatoes are a great source of potassium and manganese? Neither did I until Bryn told me why she ate them despite her dislike for them.


Take Buzzfeed quizzes instead of reading for class

Who needs to know about Icelandic sagas when you could find out if Harry Potter or Draco Malfoy is your soulmate?


If you can’t choose between two flavors of pie, eat a slice of both

Peircegiving is stressful enough. Why add the pressure of trying to choose between pumpkin and cherry when you could eat both?


Make a playlist and ask everyone you meet to contribute one song

When Bryn asked me to add a song to her playlist, I was super excited. I felt so special to contribute to such a cool, unique concept. (I recommended The Remedy by Jason Mraz.

When you send your friends important information, make sure the words in your text message rhyme

Even though we eat dinner on New Side every day, I will never get tired of Bryn’s rhyming text messages telling me that she’s waiting for us there.


Never stop obsessing over pop punk classics from 2005

One day in the middle of a stressful day reading for class, I received a text from Bryn: “A guy just walked past me in the library singing “Sugar We’re Going Down” to himself and I think I’m in love.” This text still makes me smile, no matter how much time has passed.


Take every opportunity you can to prank your friends

Last year Bryn put a picture of a scary face on the outside of her roommate’s window. When she began to freak out about it, Bryn feigned fear and let Anu think someone was out to get her for a solid fifteen minutes. Another time she printed out a bunch of pictures of Olaf from Frozen and hid them everywhere in a different friend’s room. It took Natalie weeks to find them all.


Think of silly nicknames for your friends and use them consistently

I’m Charlatte. Natalie is Natalia. Anu is Anucleus. The jury is still out on Carolina’s nickname, but once Bryn comes up with one, I’m sure it will be amazing.


Those are just some of the reasons why I love my friend Bryn. She’s not perfect by any means—no one is, right?—but I wanted to show her how much I appreciate the little things she does. Here’s you you, Bryn. May you never change.


Image credits: Charlotte Smithson, Bryn Reidiger

Kenyon College. English Major. Lover of dogs, socks, and fuzzy blankets.