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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kenyon chapter.

            Full disclosure: I hate winter. Like, really hate it. I’m the type of person who would rather it be 90 degrees and humid any day than let the temperature get down to even 40 degrees. (It’s no wonder everyone questioned my decision to come to Ohio for college.) But here at Kenyon, we’re right in the thick of winter. February is known for being the worst month here and we’re just over halfway through it. I decided, therefore, that the only solution to getting through the dark days of winter was to be positive about it. So I challenged myself to come up with 10 good things about winter!


1.     Hot Drinks

Whether you love tea, can’t start your day without coffee, or have more of a taste for hot chocolate, winter is the prime time for hot drinks. There’s nothing better than holding a nice warm mug to heat up your frozen hands and sipping that delicious scalding liquid.


2.     The Snow

Okay, I know I complain about how cold and wet the snow is, but it really is quite pretty. Winter can be really ugly in a lot of parts of the country since all of the greenery has died, but here at Kenyon we often have a blanket of snow gracing our lawns that makes the campus look picturesque.


3.     No Humidity

Humidity might not bother me all that much (since I come from the swamp that is known as the DC area), but it sure does frizz up my hair. In winter, there’s hardly any humidity, making it much easier for us with curly hair to cope.


4.     Cute Scarves

Scarves are one of my favorite articles of clothing, so the best part of every fall is getting to break out my basket of scarves to start pulling some out to wear. In winter, you have an excuse to wear scarves all the time, and what better way is there to look cute and keep your neck warm at the same time?


5.     Fuzzy Socks

On a similar note, winter is the perfect time to break out your fuzzy socks. Wearing fuzzy socks is like wearing blankets on your feet—they’re so cozy! Since winter is really the only chance I get to wear mine, that’s definitely a point for winter.


6.     Netflix

Okay, so you can watch Netflix during any season, but what other season gives you the perfect excuse to like winter? When the weather is just too cold to leave your room, it’s the perfect time to curl up under your covers and catch up on your favorite shows. And since it’s so cold, there’s no guilt about staying indoors!


7.     The Return of Our Favorite Shows

Speaking of staying indoors, many of our favorite shows take midseason breaks, and right about now is the time when many are coming back on the air. From The Walking Dead (that came back on February 14th) to Scandal (that came back on February 11th), winter is ripe with new TV to catch up on.



8.     Our Cozy Dorms

Whether you live in a dorm with a thermostat or not, the dorms here at Kenyon are usually pretty warm. It’s just so satisfying to walk in from the frigid cold and become enveloped by the warmth of your bedroom. And winter’s definitely the best time to appreciate that warmth.


9.     Black History Month

February is Black History Month and Kenyon’s got a ton of events going on this month to celebrate! From screenings to speakers to the BSU Formal on the 27th, there are a ton of fun things you can go to get out of the cold, learn something new, and have a great time.


10.  It’s Almost Spring

Finally, my very favorite thing about winter, and especially this time of winter, is that it means it’s almost spring. We’ve just got to hold on a few more weeks and then it’s spring break—by the time we return from that, winter should be just about over and the beauty that is spring at Kenyon will arrive.


There you have it: 10 things to appreciate about winter! Enjoy the rest of February Kenyon, and remember, spring is just around the corner.


Image credits: Rebecca Frank, Kenyon.edu, Weheartit

Rebecca is a senior English major and American Studies concentrator at Kenyon College. She is from Alexandria, Virginia and has written for Her Campus since freshman year.