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10 Problems Women Who Sweat a Lot Can Understand

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kenyon chapter.

With temperatures remaining pretty high, it’s still been quite the struggle to walk to class without looking like you came from hot yoga. Especially when you have a heavy backpack, uncomfortable clothes, and a hot coffee. I feel you. That’s why I’ve compiled this list of issues that all women who perspire excessively can relate to.


1. Light Grey Shirts Are the Enemy

And all other light colors too. I’ve pretty much learned that I cannot trust any color, especially in the summer or during workouts. We’re better off sticking to black.

2. Going Out = Hair Going Up

If social conversations do not already make you sweat enough, then add close encounters with lots of people, a night of non-stop dancing (hopefully!), and a small room with minimal air circulation. We all know you will be tying your hair high off your neck once arriving at the party, so why bother putting effort into making it look good down beforehand? Embracing the slicked-back, gel look has become my go-to, and it’s definitely on purpose, right?

3. And When You Are Partying, Hugs Have Never Been So Stressful

He already went in for the hug before noticing how sweaty you actually are, so he can’t stop now (although his facial expression suggests otherwise). And now that you’re hugging, he’s touching your back, and you don’t know whether to explain you’ve been dancing all night, say you just went swimming, or get him a towel and bolt.

4. There is Nothing More Fun Than Peeling Thighs off of Car Seats

And restaurant booths, benches, couches, and desk chairs…particularly, when it’s hot outside. For even more fun, experience this one on a date! Honestly, sit at your own risk.

5. Sweaty Palms Are Real

And so are anxiety-inducing handshakes. We all know too well the attempt at convincing yourself that, no, he could not feel how sweaty your palm was.

6. Getting Asked If You Just Worked Out?

“Um, no? Unless we count walking here from my dorm?”

7. And When You Do Workout, It Looks a Lot Harder Than It Was

Five minutes into your usual elliptical routine and sweat starts dripping. Or, maybe you just finished a marathon? No one will ever know.

8. Needing to Change Clothes All the Time

For bras and underwear, two times a day at minimum. As a bonus, it gives you a chance to nakedly air dry in between changes too.

9. Becoming Obsessed With Deodorant

Not only do you keep deodorant on four different shelves, in your backpack, and in your purse, but you’d also be embarrassed to admit how many different labels, scents, and strengths you’ve tried. I understand. And I still am searching for a deodorant that actually fights sweat.

10. Waking Up Shirtless

This one happens to me way too often, but I still wake up each morning questioning what scandalous activities I was involved in during the previous night. Then I remember that I actually just woke up sweating, threw off my shirt, and then fell back asleep with arms flailed out and covers pushed aside.

So, you’re like me and you sweat slightly more than the average human? Although, it may not be the most attractive thing, having excessive sweat glands is not something we can help. Regardless, we’ll embrace our struggles together!


Image Credit: Induro Cycling, Giphy

Class of 2017 at Kenyon College. English major, Music and Math double minor. Hobbies: Reading, Writing, Accidentally singing in public, Eating avocados, Adventure, and Star Wars.