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Why it is important to vote, even if you don’t like the presidential candidates

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kent State chapter.

Written by Gabrielle Woodard.

Are you considering not voting this November because you are unhappy with the main party nominees? In this presidential election, more so than in previous years, many people aren’t happy with their options for president. This has left many people saying they won’t vote this year. I STRONGLY urge you to vote. 

There are many important races this November that will impact your life as much as, if not more than, the Presidential election. The entire House of Representatives is up for election and according to Politico, a site dedicated to covering policies and political news, the Senate has 34 seats up for re-election. This is in addition to all the potential local officials and issues that could be on your ballot. If you skip voting simply because you don’t want any of the Presidental candidates to win, you are letting your opinion of all those other officials and issues go to waste. When in the ballot box, a voter is able to leave a section of the ballot blank and continue to vote down the ticket. Your vote still matters.

It is also important to know that in Ohio the deadline to register as a voter is October 11 and every voter has to be registered at his or her current address. Register even if you think you aren’t voting, just in case you decide on election day that you want to vote. If you haven’t voted since 2008, you must re-register to vote again.

If you are unsure where you stand or what your potential elected officials support, I recommend taking a quiz that will align your beliefs with those running for office. This is a great one.

Junior at Kent State, with a mojor in journalism and a minor in fashion media. I like to write about fashion, lifestyle and Harry Styles.