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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kent State chapter.

Before coming to Kent State in the fall, I thought I had a clear idea of what college life would be like. I couldn’t wait to get out of my hometown, have some freedom from my parents and be on my own. However, arriving on campus in the fall quickly made me realize college isn’t always what you expect. In just one and half semesters, I’ve learned so many things about college, life and Kent State.

Black squirrels are real

When I was in kindergarten, my teacher took points off my assignment when I colored a squirrel black. Who knew I would end up at a college where black squirrels basically run the place.

Classes before 11 a.m. are not easy to get up for

High school began at 7:30 in the morning every day for 4 years, so how hard could getting to a 9:15 lecture be? Turns out, very hard. Getting up for class is the hardest part of any day.

Beverly Warren is not a regular president, but a cool president

If you’re not following Kent State’s president on Twitter, you need to be. Bev is amazing. She is always eager to attend sporting events, Greek life events and many other events on campus held by other organizations. Also, she is constantly shutting down haters on Twitter and helping students with their frustrations.

Kent State is literally a wind tunnel

Nobody tells you how hard it is to get to class through the wind. Even if it’s over 60 degrees out, you need a coat because of the intense wind. You’re sure to freeze or shed some tears on your way to class because Kent’s wind is ruthless.

Your college roommate isn’t always your best friend

Before coming to Kent State, I thought whoever I lived with was sure to be my lifelong best friend. In some cases, it’s true, but in some it isn’t. Living with a stranger is hard, and some people are just too diffrent to be besties.

College professors can be hella cool

The first time you hear a professor curse or joke about “thirsty Thursdays,” you’re mortified. Are they allowed to do this? High school teachers would never utter a word about drinking or even say hell in class. But college professors will treat you and talk to you like the adult you are.

The struggle of parking on campus

Who knew parking on campus could be so hard? You can circle parking lots multiple times looking for a spot just so you can just run up to your room. Don’t even dream about parking somewhere you don’t have a pass for. Even in the snow, Parking Services will brush your windows off to make sure you have a valid pass.

Adulting is not as fun as it seems

Being in college you can pretty much do whatever you want. Want to skip class every morning? Go for it. Want to go out every weekend? Nobody cares. Sure, you can go do whatever you please while on your own at college. But, you also have to do all your own laundry, cook your own dinner, go everywhere by yourself, and even make your own doctor’s appointments. It isn’t nearly as much fun as you thought when you were a kid.

The esplanade actually has a lot of hills

When I toured Kent, I thought the campus had such a great layout. The buildings seemed pretty close together and walking around campus felt so cool. Wrong. Everywhere you go you have to book it to make it from class to class or a meeting on the other side of campus. Class in the math building and then Franklin? Have a fun hike.

High school did not prepare me for this

I remember thinking I had so much work in high school. Now I realize how unprepared I was for college courses. Midterms, finals, papers and projects…it’s insane. Nothing like high school.

I miss my mom, like a lot

One thing college has definitely taught me is how much I miss my mom. I finally realize how much she did for me when I was home. I miss someone telling me when to clean my room, folding all my laundry, scheduling my life and being there. I am constantly asking my mom questions every day and grateful she did so much for me to get me to Kent.

Hi! I'm Taylor Robinson. I'm a sophomore journalism major at Kent State. I like Parks and Rec and hanging out with my dog.
Junior at Kent State, with a mojor in journalism and a minor in fashion media. I like to write about fashion, lifestyle and Harry Styles.