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The Lalagirl Lying On Her Bed
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Wellness > Mental Health

Tips on Healing Your Inner Child

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kent State chapter.

If you’re like me, I tend to reminisce on my childhood a lot. More so the things I used to do and enjoy! Sometimes I’ll think about the T.V. shows I used to watch, the games I used to play and the toys I used to play with and then get kind of sad that I grew out of those things!

I also recognize that I, as well as many other adults, had some downs during my childhood because being a kid is hard! You get teased by other kids and go through a lot of other obstacles that, as a child, you don’t know how to handle and never healed from! Fear not, my fellow un-healed childlike souls.

Here are a few tips to help heal your inner child.

Meha Razdan
Photo Courtesy of Meha Razdan
Kiddie Entertainment

Were you made fun of for liking Harry Potter? Or maybe you dressed up like Hannah Montana everyday at school?

Whatever type of kids media you consumed, I am giving you full permission to take some time to indulge again in your comfort shows or movies from your childhood! Grab some snacks and a fuzzy blanket and practice some inner child self-care.

Stuffed Animals

Hot girls sleep with stuffed animals. That’s all that needs to be said. Squishmallows are trending for a reason!


A lot of times, repairing those childhood wounds takes a lot more work than we think.

Start journaling and writing to your inner child anything you want to say to them. You can find specific journaling prompts on the internet that other folks have used to heal.

Create AGain

When we were kids, we were so proud of everything we created! Find that unapologetic pride again in the things you create.

If you like doing it and it’s not considered “good,” that’s okay. Paint, color in coloring books, knit or do whatever you need to do in order to feel that pride again.

Surround yourself with healing people

When you are healing, it’s important to surround yourself with people that respect your healing process and are on their own journey as well.

Surround yourself with people that are emotionally healthy and respect your boundaries because that is one of the most important aspects of repairing your childhood wounds.

Talia Gogel

Kent State '23

Hi! My name is Talia Gogel and I'm a sophomore fashion merchandising at Kent State! I love shopping, cooking, bunnies, astrology, and reading! I’m involved in the Fashion Student Organization, a member of Tri Sigma Sorority, and HerCampus!