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Ten signs your significant other isn’t right for you

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kent State chapter.

Sometimes “the one” just isn’t the right one for you.

1. You have nothing in common with them. Sometimes opposites can be more volatile than magnetic. If you’re a liberal feminist and they’re a conservative who believes Donald Trump will “make America great again,” you’ll be constantly defending your beliefs and butting heads with your significant other.

2. They don’t support you. College is a time to explore different opportunities while building an incredible resume. If they’re not as enthusiastic as you are about you landing a job as an RA, they think your major is a waste of time or if they undermine your goals, it’s time to kick him to the curb and put yourself first. You’re a #GirlBoss in the making and your significant other should be your cheerleader on your path to success.

3. They don’t ask you questions. If someone is truly interested in you, they’ll want to know everything about you from where you grew up to how you take your coffee. “You up?” or “Food?” don’t count as stimulating questions.

4. They don’t like your friends. Your squad has been with you since freshman year. Relationships come and go, but your friends will always be there to make you laugh and buy you food when you run out of meal plan.

5.  Your parents don’t like them. With dating websites like Tinder, your parents are completely clueless about today’s dating world. However, they are the people that know you best and want you to find someone that loves you as much as they do.

6. You can’t trust them. One of the key variables in the formula for a healthy relationship is trust. If you stalk their social media and fear they are messaging other people, it’s time for the two of you to sit down and talk.

7. They hide your relationship. If you haven’t hung out with their friends or met their family after being together for a significant amount of time, chances are they don’t feel as serious about you as you do them.

8. They’re unreliable. You have to wait at least an hour for them to text you back. Most of the time you don’t know where they’re at and who they’re with. They also don’t follow through on their promises and they constantly cancel plans at the last minute.

9. People say you’ve changed for the worst. Being with the right person means the two of you help each other grow.  If you’re always blowing off your friends and responsibilities and you find yourself unhappy most of the time, it’s time to drop them and focus on rebuilding yourself.

10. Every argument feels like the end. If you and your significant other constantly get into explosive fights and threaten to break up, the best thing for the two of you would be to walk away and never look back.

Jillian Holness is a senior magazine journalism major. She enjoys buying too many lipsticks, thinking about brunch and daydreaming about staring in one of Rihanna's music videos.
Junior at Kent State, with a mojor in journalism and a minor in fashion media. I like to write about fashion, lifestyle and Harry Styles.