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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kent State chapter.

    If you spent the summer stressing about swimsuits and showing more skin, you’re probably excited for sweater and leggings season like me. The weather is cooling down and we can cover ourselves up more, but loving your body is an all year round job. Body positivity is something that is not always easy for a lot of us, but there are small steps we can take to fight those self-conscious thoughts lurking in our mind. We may be looking forward to cozying up in large sweatshirts this fall and winter, but let’s make sure we don’t forget to take time and love ourselves underneath it all.

Forget the Size

    Back to school usually means buying some new pieces for your wardrobe for the upcoming year. With this can come anxiety over sizing, agonizing over going up a size or two from your jeans last year. I personally struggle with this, but it’s important to take a step back and gain some perspective. Virtually no clothing brand has the same sizing as another, meaning that women’s sizes are essentially meaningless. A size 8 in one brand may be completely different from a size 8 in another, as there is no standard sizing for women’s clothing. It’s important to not focus on sizes, and instead focus on what fits you well and makes you feel confident and beautiful. Next time you’re shopping, try to remember that the sizes mean nothing, and that you’re beautiful regardless of if you’re a size 0 or a size 20.

Morning Affirmations

    A great way to start your mornings is to take a moment to affirm yourself. Before heading out to your first class, take a second to look in the mirror and tell yourself a few things you love about yourself. For those days when you are feeling like you can’t find any, write yourself a couple sticky notes for the sides of your mirror to remind yourself of how great you truly are. Even the littlest compliments to yourself can set you up for a confident day.

Lose the Scale

    If you have a scale in your dorm room, you may have struggled with obsessing over it like I have. While weighing yourself can be helpful for keeping track of your health, we have to remember that it does not define us. I have found myself focusing on that number to an unhealthy extent, but I am working on remembering how insignificant it actually is. Taking care of ourselves is essential, but there are many better ways to care for yourself than this. Eating right and exercising should bring you joy and make you feel good about yourself, rather than being solely to reduce that number on the scale.

Take Care of your Body

    Continuing with this idea, make sure that you are nourishing your body this school year. It’s super easy in college to fill your diet with chips and ice cream, but don’t forget to give your body the energy it needs to keep you going. Everything is good in moderation, but making sure to get some fruits and veggies in everyday will help you feel physically and mentally better. Along with this, drinking water is a simple way to nourish your body! I love to carry around my reusable water bottle wherever I go, and most buildings have convenient water bottle fillers. Whatever way you choose to nourish your body, listen and respond to what your body needs.

Build Each Other Up

    Body positivity and loving yourself can sometimes feel like it’s you fighting against the rest of the world. Getting your roommate or friends to adopt some of these positive habits with you can make the journey a little easier with support. Make sure to be kind to your fellow females, as we are all fighting against body shaming and beauty standards together. Simple compliments to a stranger about their outfit or hair can create a ripple effect of building each other up. Being kind to others is just as important as being kind to ourselves.

Be Patient with Yourself

    Finally, make sure to give yourself time to make some of these changes if they feel outside of your comfort zone. Changes in habits can not be made overnight, and it may take time to adjust your thinking about these things. Just remember to be patient with yourself, and know that it is ok to go at whatever pace you need to on your journey to loving yourself and your body. These things are not easy, especially in the age of social media that we are living in. Regardless of the obstacles standing in your way, every small step in the right direction is something that we can all celebrate.  

Dana Williams

Kent State '21

Dana is the current Editor in Chief of Her Campus Kent State. She is a Senior at Kent State University majoring is Fashion Merchandising with a minor in Sustainability. She is from Chicago, IL and a member of the Honors College at Kent State. She loves journaling, playing guitar, spending time with friends, and exploring local coffee shops. Dana hopes to pursue a career in sustainable fashion after graduation, working in product development or sourcing. 
Junior at Kent State, with a mojor in journalism and a minor in fashion media. I like to write about fashion, lifestyle and Harry Styles.