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Planning a vacation on a college budget

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kent State chapter.

If you’re in college, you know it’s hard to plan a vacation on a college budget. With textbook prices, trips to starbucks and your weekly chipotle run, there seems to be no room for even a weekend away from campus but with these steps you’ll be able to plan a cheap and fun vacation with your friends!

  1. Find a destination both you and your friends would love. Maybe going to Miami isn’t your ideal location, but if you love the beach try going to Virginia Beach or Long Beach Island.

  2. Now that you have your vacation spot, plan how you’ll get there. Instead of flying to your destination, you could road trip there and save money. Anyway, who doesn’t love a fun road trip?

  3. When finding a place to stay on your trip, talk with your friends about renting an Airbnb instead of staying at a hotel. By staying at Airbnb, you can bring your own food instead of ordering in room service all the time and the cost per night is cheaper too.

  4. Next, plan out what you’ll do when you’re there. Instead of just bringing a bunch of money, try writing down everything you want to do and estimating the cost of those adventures. This way, you know how much you’ll spend and won’t spend more than you were planning on.

  5. Save up your money! It’s difficult to want to splurge on off campus food every once in awhile, but skipping it every now and then will help you save more money for your vacation.

Happy travels!

Hey! My name is Amanda Levine and I'm from Brooklyn, NY. I love playing softball, listening to music, and watching netflix.
Junior at Kent State, with a mojor in journalism and a minor in fashion media. I like to write about fashion, lifestyle and Harry Styles.