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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kent State chapter.

Let me just start by being honest; you WILL gain a little weight when you start college. It’s a natural part of getting older. In addition to that, you will be surrounded by food. Every event you attend will have free pizza. You will be drowning in food coupons after welcome weekend. And then you factor in your meal plan. It’s basically a credit card, but all. For. Food. It’s hard to have self-control when all of your favorite foods are right under your nose. Don’t be discouraged when the few extra pounds show up, because it’s not uncommon. By following a few simple tricks, you can keep yourself in shape and still be able to enjoy everything your school has to offer.

Eat Breakfast

It’s hard enough to get up for an 8 am class, and it’s even harder to get up a half hour earlier to make sure you get something to eat. But in the long run, this is one of the most important steps to take to stay healthy. If you skip breakfast, you’ll be starving by lunch, and you’ll be more likely to splurge on the fried food in the dining hall. Keep fruit in your room for an easy on the go breakfast. Side note: for those of you with a coffee addiction (like me), skip the latte for a black coffe, and ditch the extra cream; go instead for skim or nonfat milk.

Stay Hydrated

Always keep your fridge stocked with water bottles. Walking across campus all day, especially in the heat at the beginning of the year, you’ll get dehydrated easily. Grabbing a water for the day not only keeps you hydrated, but it will make it easier to avoid buying a soda with lunch or dinner. Not only will this cut out the extra calories from a soda, but it will help keep your skin clear, prevent underye circles, and detox your body. 

Make Time for the Gym

When your school gym is all the way on the other side of campus, it’s easy to stay in bed and binge watch Netflix during your two hour break between classes. Putting aside gym time just three days a week, even if it’s only an hour, can keep you in shape. It doesn’t matter how good you are, or how far you can go, as long as you’re trying. Working out doesn’t just keep your body healthy, it also has great psychological benefits and will make you happier in general. Try running in five minute incriments, and gradually increase the time for a killer cardio workout. Lifting weights, no matter how light or heavy, can decrease overall body fat. Talk to a trainer for advice on what’s best for you!

Learn Portion Control

When you know how to moderate your food, staying healthy is easy. Try to incorporate all of the food groups throughout your day. Eggs and yogurt make a perfect, protein packed breakfast to give you energy for your day. Get your carbs and unsaturated fats at lunch with a peanut butter sandwich, and opt for a salad and grilled chicken for dinner for a perfect balance. Don’t be afraid to splurge once a week on your favorite dessert or greasy food, as long as it doesn’t become a habit!

By following a few simple steps, staying in shape at school is easily manageable. Late night pig outs, stress eating, and eating out of boredom will sneak up on you if you don’t make an effort to take care of yourself. Instead of taking the elevator, take the stairs. If it’s a nice day, walk to class instead of taking the bus. By watching what you eat and making time for the gym, keeping yourself healthy can be stress free!

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Ally Strok

Kent State

Applied Communications and Public Relations major at Kent State University. Member of Chi Omega sorority. I love coffee, Paris, the Browns, my cat, and pizza.
Junior at Kent State, with a mojor in journalism and a minor in fashion media. I like to write about fashion, lifestyle and Harry Styles.