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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kent State chapter.

Finally we approach the finish line to the end of the semester. Soon there will be no more quizzes, discussion boards or finals to study for. In some sense we are almost to the point where we can relax in some way shape or form.  However, as exciting as it sounds not to think about school for a few months, preparation for the following semester is important. Of course you should have fun this summer and make memories. Take some advice from me, a senior. You want to put your best effort into the next phase of college because it doesn’t get easier. 

  1. About a week or two before the semester starts, check your schedule

Locate the buildings your classes will be in so you can get a visual sense of where you’ll have to walk or drive. You get an overview of the route you’ll potentially take to classes, coffee shops and food spots when you’re in need of a recharge. Once you review your schedule look to see if there are any books that you’ll need or supplies. I found that preparing in this form, I was able to have the majority of everything I needed for the first week of classes. Over-preparing is not a bad thing. 

  1. Print out your syllabuses a few days before your classes. 

Now hear me out, some can be as long as ten pages, but you need all those pages. Once you print out your syllabus for your class, take a highlighter and highlight the important information on the page. For example, you may want to highlight the professor’s office hours, the late work policy or the make-up work policy. By printing out each syllabus, I was able to understand my professors’ expectations and it showed me what we’d be doing in each class as well as the homework assignments. All of that is helpful when it comes to organization and anticipating what’s next. 

  1. Use a planner or online calendar.

So many opportunities, events and gatherings take place every day. You may have busy days, you may not. To prevent yourself from feeling like chaos, adding things like exams, coffee with a friend or the Homecoming football game will just help you see what your week or month looks like. If you have a brain that can remember everything, great but still write down important dates and stick them somewhere that you will see. When you’re juggling school and your personal life, sometimes things get mixed up. Try your best to manage your time. 

  1. When it comes to studying, try not to sit in one place. 

People study in all different forms. Some people like music playing in the background, some people like quiet. Try studying in a different environment. Studying in a place like your room or your dorm is comfortable. You may find yourself taking more study breaks, laying down, watching T.V., doing things that would take you away from focusing on reviewing the material that you need to focus on. You could reserve a place in the library to study, you might want to try Starbucks or somewhere on campus or off that fits your study needs.

  1. When you’re taking notes, try color coating. 

If you’re a pen and paper note taker or a google doc note taker, using color can help you understand the material your learning. Different colors can mean different things. For example, red could mean you’re unsure about that topic or point and need to go back to it. Green could mean that information is the most important to know. Yellow could mean, this information will be on the test. Only you understand your notes so tailor them to your needs and your learning style. 

Try these tips for your next semester. I am not a guru in giving out college advice and tips but I am a senior who has tried many tips and tricks during my college experience. Over the course of four years, these are the tips that helped me the most, it’s only right that I share them with you. I hope some of these work out for you, feel free to take something from these tips and make it your own. Best wishes to you and your next college semester. Don’t forget o let loose this summer and have some fun!

London Green

Kent State '23

Hi, I’m London Green. I am a senior journalism major with a minor in fashion media. I love creating content that is relatable to everyone.