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8 of Our Favorite Musicals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kent State chapter.

I love a good musical and everyone knows it. I find it impossible to watch one without singing; I just can’t help it. So if you’re in the mood to annoy your roommates and neighbors, here’s a list of our 8 favorites to sing along with.

1. Hairspray

Zac Efron, Amanda Bynes before she went crazy, and John Travolta dressed as a woman. Need I say more?

2. Moulin Rouge

If you haven’t seen this one, drop whatever you’re doing and go watch it now. If the amazing music doesn’t get you, the incredible costumes and set design will. Baz Luhrmann can do wrong.

3. High School Musical

If you’re in the mood for a throwback to your childhood, this is one to watch. Don’t even try to tell me you don’t remember all the words (because I know that you do).

4. Grease


5. Joyful Noise

This is one of my newest obsessions. The music is amazing, not to mention it has an all-star cast!

6.  Pitch Perfect

What better way to prep for the sequel coming out in May than re-watching the original?

7. Annie

While the old Annie is a classic, the latest version is my personal favorite. (Am I the only one that didn’t know that Jamie Foxx could sing?)

8. The Lion King

Feeling stressed? Watch a Disney movie. It’ll put you in a good mood, I promise. 

Junior at Kent State, with a mojor in journalism and a minor in fashion media. I like to write about fashion, lifestyle and Harry Styles.