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7 Ways to Save Money in College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kent State chapter.

College is easily one of the most fun and exciting times in someone’s life, but it can also be one of the most expensive. However, there are multiple ways to make your money last a little longer, and give you some relief from that student debt. Check out these tips on how college students can save some money this semester.

Tip #1: Ask local stores if they have a student discount.

You would be surprised how many shops and restaurants offer a discount for students. All you need to do is show a student ID to receive it!

Tip #2: Limit how many times you go out to dinner.

Sure a night out with friends is fun, but when you’re going out every night it can start to drain your bank account. Try staying in, and taking advantage of that meal plan. Or order a pizza, which would be a much cheaper meal.

Tip #3: Don’t spend money on useless books.

When the time comes to buy books for the semester, wait until you actually attend a few classes to see if the books are necessary. Some professors don’t assign reading from the books, or allow you to use an online version.

Tip #5: Drink water.

Instead of continuously buying drinks, splurge once on a water bottle and fill it up every day. Also, ordering water at restaurants is free and will reduce the bill. Water will keep you hydrated longer, and is the healthier option for you.

Tip #6: Consider being a resident advisor.

This may not be an option for everyone, but if you have the opportunity, you should give it a try. Being a resident advisor allows you to get free room and board, and could really help reduce your student debt.

Tip #7: Apply for tons of scholarships!

Applying for scholarships takes time and effort, but it will pay off in the end. Check the website for your major and find some that are tailored just for you. A lot of local scholarships also exist, so there might be more available to you than you even know. 

Senior at Kent State | Victoria's Secret PINK Campus Rep
Junior at Kent State, with a mojor in journalism and a minor in fashion media. I like to write about fashion, lifestyle and Harry Styles.